Using Airbax in Plug-based applications

Plug provides the Plug.ErrorHandler plug which plays very well with Airbax. As you can see in the documentation for Plug.ErrorHandler, this plug can be used to “catch” exceptions that happen inside a given plug and act on them. This can be used to report all exceptions happening in that plug to Airbrake/Errbit. For example:

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router # or `use MyApp.Web, :router` for Phoenix apps
  use Plug.ErrorHandler

  defp handle_errors(conn, %{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stacktrace}) do, reason, stacktrace)

Airbax also supports attaching metadata to a reported exception. For example, in the code snippet above, we could report the request parameters as metadata to be attached to the exception:

defp handle_errors(conn, %{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stacktrace}) do, reason, stacktrace, %{params: conn.params})

It’s possible to attach a lot of data as additional parameters. To add more data about the request to the exception reported in the snippet above, you could do something like this:

defp handle_errors(conn, %{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stacktrace}) do
  conn =
    |> Plug.Conn.fetch_cookies()
    |> Plug.Conn.fetch_query_params()

  conn_data = %{
    "cookies" => conn.req_cookies,
    "url" => "#{conn.scheme}://#{}:#{conn.port}#{conn.request_path}",
    "user_ip" => (conn.remote_ip |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.join(".")),
    "headers" => Enum.into(conn.req_headers, %{}),
    "params" => conn.params,
    "method" => conn.method,
  }, reason, stacktrace, conn_data)