
Conqueuer (pronounced like conquer) is a non-persistent Elixir work queue.


In conqueuer, there are 3 collaborators involved in the work off process. The work is initially queued to a queue executing as a registered (or named) process. Immediately after the work is queued, the foreman executing as a registered process is notified that :work_arrived. At this point, the foreman drains the queue.

The queue draining process starts with an attempt to check out a worker from the associated poolboy worker pool. If a worker is available it is passed the args and the work is performed. If a worker is not available, the foreman abandons draining the queue and waits for work to be :finished or :work_arrived, at which time the draining starts again.

Once a worker has performed the work, it notifies it’s associated foreman it is :finished. The foreman checks the worker back into poolboy and begins to drain the queue.

Because of the collaboration of multiple processes to achieve the results, the registered name of the processes is important so that each process can discover its collaborators. At this time Conqueuer does not have helpers to generate the supervisor and worker specs for you, thus great care should be taken in the naming.

Naming Conventions

Given you desire a worker pool named :resolvers the convention for the collaborator names is:

  • Foreman process: :ResolversForeman
  • Poolboy queue: :resolvers
  • Poolboy supervisor process: :ResolversPoolSupervisor
  • Queue process: :ResolversQueue


Again, given you desire a worker pool named :resolvers.

Define a pool:

Conqueuer.define_pool_supervisor( :resolvers, MyApp.ResolversPoolSupervisor, MyApp.ResolverWorker )

Or manually:

defmodule MyApp.ResolversPoolSupervisor do
  use Conqueuer.Pool, name: :resolvers,
                      worker: MyApp.ResolverWorker,
                      worker_args: [arg1: 1],
                      size: 20,
                      max_overflow: 10

Define a worker:

defmodule MyApp.ResolverWorker do
  use Conqueuer.Worker

  def perform({arg1, arg2}, state) do
    # do some work

Add the processes to your supervision tree:

defmodule MyApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    children = Conqueuer.child_specs(:resolvers, MyApp.ResolversPoolSupervisor)

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Submit some work:, {:hello, "world"})




Generates the child process specs for a Conqueuer work queue. Expects the name of the pool and module of the pool supervisor

Dynamically define the pool supervisor module for the pool of workers

Queues the args for the work to be performed to the name worker queue


child_specs(pool_name, pool_supervisor_module, opts \\ [])

Generates the child process specs for a Conqueuer work queue. Expects the name of the pool and module of the pool supervisor.

Manual way:

Conqueuer.define_pool_supervisor(:resolvers, MyApp, pool_size: 10, max_overflow: 5)

children = [
  supervisor(MyApp.ResolversPoolSupervisor, [[], [name: :ResolversPoolSupervisor]]),
  worker(Conqueuer.Queue, [[], [name: :ResolversQueue]]),
  worker(Conqueuer.Foreman, [[name: :resolvers], [name: :ResolversForeman]])

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Using the helper:

Conqueuer.define_pool_supervisor( :workers, MyApp.ResolversPoolSupervisor, MyApp.ResolverWorker )

children = Conqueuer.child_specs(:resolvers, MyApp.ResolversPoolSupervisor )

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
define_pool_supervisor(pool_name, supervisor_module, worker_module, worker_args \\ [], opts \\ [])

Dynamically define the pool supervisor module for the pool of workers.

Conqueuer.define_pool_supervisor( :resolvers, MyApp.ResolversPoolSupervisor )
work(name, args \\ nil)

Queues the args for the work to be performed to the name worker queue.