ex_machina v2.7.0 ExMachina behaviour View Source

Defines functions for generating data

In depth examples are in the README

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Helper function to evaluate lazy attributes that are passed into a factory.

Helper function to merge attributes into a factory that could be either a map or a struct.

Shortcut for creating unique string values.

Create sequences for generating unique values.

Similar to sequence/2 but it allows for passing a start_at option to the sequence generation.

Link to this section Functions

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evaluate_lazy_attributes(factory) View Source
evaluate_lazy_attributes(struct() | map()) :: struct() | map()

Helper function to evaluate lazy attributes that are passed into a factory.


# custom factory
def article_factory(attrs) do
  %{title: "title"}
  |> merge_attributes(attrs)
  |> evaluate_lazy_attributes()

def author_factory do
  %{name: sequence("gandalf")}

# => returns [
#  %{title: "title", author: %{name: "gandalf0"},
#  %{title: "title", author: %{name: "gandalf0"}
# ]
build_pair(:article, author: build(:author))

# => returns [
#  %{title: "title", author: %{name: "gandalf0"},
#  %{title: "title", author: %{name: "gandalf1"}
# ]
build_pair(:article, author: fn -> build(:author) end)
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merge_attributes(record, attrs) View Source
merge_attributes(struct() | map(), map()) :: struct() | map() | no_return()

Helper function to merge attributes into a factory that could be either a map or a struct.


# custom factory
def article_factory(attrs) do
  title = Map.get(attrs, :title, "default title")

  article = %Article{
    title: title

  merge_attributes(article, attrs)

Note that when trying to merge attributes into a struct, this function will raise if one of the attributes is not defined in the struct.

Shortcut for creating unique string values.

This is automatically imported into a model factory when you use ExMachina.

This is equivalent to sequence(name, &"#{name}#{&1}"). If you need to customize the returned string, see sequence/2.

Note that sequences keep growing and are not reset by ExMachina. Most of the time you won't need to reset the sequence, but when you do need to reset them, you can use ExMachina.Sequence.reset/0.


def user_factory do
    # Will generate "username0" then "username1", etc.
    username: sequence("username")

def article_factory do
    # Will generate "Article Title0" then "Article Title1", etc.
    title: sequence("Article Title")
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sequence(name, formatter) View Source
sequence(any(), (integer() -> any()) | [...]) :: any()

Create sequences for generating unique values.

This is automatically imported into a model factory when you use ExMachina.

The name can be any term, although it is typically an atom describing the sequence. Each time a sequence is called with the same name, its number is incremented by one.

The formatter function takes the sequence number, and returns a sequential representation of that number – typically a formatted string.


def user_factory do
    # Will generate "me-0@foo.com" then "me-1@foo.com", etc.
    email: sequence(:email, &"me-#{&1}@foo.com"),
    # Will generate "admin" then "user", "other", "admin" etc.
    role: sequence(:role, ["admin", "user", "other"])
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sequence(name, formatter, opts) View Source
sequence(any(), (integer() -> any()) | [...], [{:start_at, non_neg_integer()}]) ::

Similar to sequence/2 but it allows for passing a start_at option to the sequence generation.


def user_factory do
    # Will generate "me-100@foo.com" then "me-101@foo.com", etc.
    email: sequence(:email, &"me-#{&1}@foo.com", start_at: 100),

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build(factory_name) View Source
build(factory_name :: atom()) :: any()

Builds a single factory.

This will defer to the [factory_name]_factory/0 callback defined in the factory module in which it is used.


def user_factory do
  %{name: "John Doe", admin: false}

# Returns %{name: "John Doe", admin: false}

# Returns %{name: "John Doe", admin: true}
build(:user, admin: true)

Full control of a factory's attributes

If you want full control over the factory attributes, you can define the factory with [factory_name]_factory/1, taking in the attributes as the first argument.


  • ExMachina will no longer merge the attributes for your factory. If you want to do that, you can merge the attributes with the merge_attributes/2 helper.

  • ExMachina will no longer evaluate lazy attributes. If you want to do that, you can evaluate the lazy attributes with the evaluate_lazy_attributes/1 helper.


def article_factory(attrs) do
  title = Map.get(attrs, :title, "default title")
  slug = Article.title_to_slug(title)

  article = %Article{title: title, slug: slug}

  # merge attributes on your own
  |> merge_attributes(attrs)
  # evaluate any lazy attributes
  |> evaluate_lazy_attributes()

# Returns %Article{title: "default title", slug: "default-title"}

# Returns %Article{title: "hello world", slug: "hello-world"}
build(:article, title: "hello world")
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build(factory_name, attrs) View Source
build(factory_name :: atom(), attrs :: keyword() | map()) :: any()

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build_list(number_of_records, factory_name) View Source
build_list(number_of_records :: integer(), factory_name :: atom()) :: list()

Builds any number of factories.


# Returns a list of 3 users
build_list(3, :user)
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build_list(number_of_records, factory_name, attrs) View Source
  number_of_records :: integer(),
  factory_name :: atom(),
  attrs :: keyword() | map()
) :: list()

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build_pair(factory_name) View Source
build_pair(factory_name :: atom()) :: list()

Builds two factories.

This is just an alias for build_list(2, factory_name, attrs).


# Returns a list of 2 users
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build_pair(factory_name, attrs) View Source
build_pair(factory_name :: atom(), attrs :: keyword() | map()) :: list()