
HttpProxy is a simple http proxy.

If you access to particular URL like http://localhost:8080, then the http_proxy forward the request to other URL based on configuration.

HttpProcy support two features.

  1. HttpProxy support multiport proxy fearue.
  2. HttpProxy support play/record proxied request.

Multiport proxy means that the proxy receives request with particular port and the proxy send request to other address. And you can set the feature against several mulatiple port.

Multiport proxy

For example, you set configuratio like the followings in your project and do mix proxy. Then the proxy send request to “” if anyone snds to “http://localhost:4000”. And the proxy send request to “” if anyone send request to “http://localhost:4001”.


  1. Set configuration as the following in config/config.exs.

    use Mix.Config
    config :http_proxy,
    proxies: [
               %{port: 4000,
                 to:   ""},
               %{port: 4001,
                 to:   ""}
    record: false,
    play: true,
    export_path: "test/example",
    play_path: "test/data"
  2. Access to http://localhost:4000 via Web Browser.

    • or access to http://localhost:4001.
  3. The http_proxy forward to .

Play/Record proxied request.

If you set record: true in the configuration, the proxy export request into local file as JSON. You can export requests in particular path which is set as export_path: "test/example". Default is “default”.

If you set play: true in the configuration, the proxy read mapping files and reply them when anyone accesses to the proxy via particular ports.

Please read test/data/mappings/*.json if you would like to know the format of playing the reqponse.



Callback implementation for c::application.start/2


start(type, args)

Callback implementation for c::application.start/2.