AbacusSql (abacus_sql v2.1.1) View Source

Use AbacusSql to introduce powerful customizable query features to your application.

By leveraging the safe to execute expression syntax of Abacus, Ecto queries can be modified with filters (via where/3), additional custom selects, custom order_by clauses, and more.


from(u in User, group_by: u.id)
|> AbacuSql.where(~S[name == "Peter"]))
|> AbacusSql.select("name", "name")
# blog_posts assoc is automatically joined
|> AbacusSql.select("post_count", "count(blog_posts.id)")
|> AbacusSql.order_by("name", true)

# take a filter from plug params
from(u in User)
|> where(Map.get(params, "filter", "true"))

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Adds a group_by expression to the query

Adds the given filter to the havings list.

Adds an order_by expression to the query.

Adds scoped data to the query. That data is accessible by simply accessing the given key.

Adds scoped data to the query. That data is accessible by simply accessing the given key.

Adds or merges a selection to the query.

Adds an and_where clause to the query.

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option() :: root_option()


options() :: [option()]


root_option() :: {:root, integer() | atom()}

Default: 0

Specifies which source in the query should be used as root. It can either be given as a table id (0 is the actual root, 1-n is the first-nth join), or as an alias.

The expressions will then have the given source as their root, meaning their fields and assocs are directly accessible.


query = from u in User, join bp in assoc(u, :blog_posts), as: :blog_posts
AbacusSql.where(query, "title != null", root: :blog_posts)

otherwise we'd have to write the where expression like this:

query = from u in User, join bp in assoc(u, :blog_posts)
AbacusSql.where(query, "blog_posts.title != null")


t() :: binary() | list() | tuple()

Link to this section Functions

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group_by(query, term, opts \\ [])

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group_by(Ecto.Query.t(), t(), options()) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Adds a group_by expression to the query

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having(query, term, opts \\ [])

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having(Ecto.Query.t(), t(), options()) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Adds the given filter to the havings list.

Make sure that the query has at least one group_by clause.

The advantage is that it can filter inside has_many assocs using aggregation such as count, min or max.

For example: having(BlogPost, "count(author.posts.id) > 10") would filter for blog posts whose authors have at least 10 posts.

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order_by(query, term, ascending? \\ true, opts \\ [])

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order_by(Ecto.Query.t(), t(), boolean(), options()) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Adds an order_by expression to the query.


scope(Ecto.Query.t(), [
  {atom(), term() | %{__struct__: module(), __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t()}}
]) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Adds scoped data to the query. That data is accessible by simply accessing the given key.


from(u in User)
|> AbacusSql.scope(some_number: 13)
|> AbacusSql.where("count(blog_posts.id) < some_number")
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scope(query, key, value)

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  term() | %{__struct__: module(), __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t()}
) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Adds scoped data to the query. That data is accessible by simply accessing the given key.


from(u in User)
|> AbacusSql.scope(:some_number, 13)
|> AbacusSql.where("count(blog_posts.id) < some_number")
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select(query, key, term, opts \\ [])

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select(Ecto.Query.t(), atom() | String.t(), t(), options()) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Adds or merges a selection to the query.


query = from u in User
query = select(query, "name", ~S[concat(name, " (", count(blog_posts.id), " posts)")])
Repo.all(query) == [%{"name" => "Peter (31 posts)"}, %{"name" => "Mark (13 posts)"}]
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where(query, term, opts \\ [])

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where(Ecto.Query.t(), t(), options()) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Adds an and_where clause to the query.