absinthe v1.4.2 Absinthe.Phase behaviour View Source

Behaviour for Absinthe Phases.

A phase takes an Absinthe.Blueprint document and returns another blueprint document. All validation, resolution, and result building happens via phases. See Absinthe.Pipeline for information on how to run phases. See the code under this namespace for information on individual phases.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this type result_t() View Source
result_t ::
  {:ok, any} |
  {:jump, any, t} |
  {:insert, any, t | [t]} |
  {:replace, any, t | [t]} |
  {:error, String.t}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function put_error(node, error) View Source
put_error(Absinthe.Blueprint.node_t, Absinthe.Phase.Error.t) :: Absinthe.Blueprint.node_t

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback run(any, any) View Source
run(any, any) :: result_t