absinthe v1.4.7 Absinthe.Type.Argument View Source

Used to define an argument.

Usually these are defined using Absinthe.Schema.Notation.arg/2

Link to this section Summary



Argument configuration


Build an AST of the args map for inclusion in other types

Link to this section Types

Link to this type t() View Source
t() :: %Absinthe.Type.Argument{__reference__: Absinthe.Type.Reference.t(), default_value: any(), deprecation: Absinthe.Type.Deprecation.t() | nil, description: binary() | nil, name: binary(), type: Absinthe.Type.identifier_t()}

Argument configuration

  • :name - The name of the argument, usually assigned automatically using Absinthe.Schema.Notation.arg/2.
  • :type - The type values the argument accepts/will coerce to.
  • :deprecation - Deprecation information for an argument, usually set-up using Absinthe.Schema.Notation.deprecate/1.
  • :description - Description of an argument, useful for introspection.

Link to this section Functions

Build an AST of the args map for inclusion in other types


iex> build([foo: [type: :string], bar: [type: :integer]])
{:%{}, [],
 [foo: {:%, [],
  [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Absinthe, :Type, :Argument]},
   {:%{}, [], [name: "foo", type: :string]}]},
  bar: {:%, [],
 [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Absinthe, :Type, :Argument]},
  {:%{}, [], [name: "bar", type: :integer]}]}]}