View Source Absinthe.Type.Scalar (absinthe v1.7.7)

Represents a primitive value.

GraphQL responses take the form of a hierarchical tree; the leaves on these trees are scalars.

Also see Absinthe.Type.Object.

Built-In Scalars

The following built-in scalar types are defined:

  • :boolean - Represents true or false. See the GraphQL Specification.
  • :float - Represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754. See the GraphQL Specification.
  • :id - Represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type is serialized in the same way as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. See the GraphQL Specification.
  • :integer - Represents non-fractional signed whole numeric value. By default it is not compliant with the GraphQl Specification, it can represent values between -(2^53 - 1) and 2^53 - 1 as specified by IEEE 754. To use the GraphQl compliant Int, representing values between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1, in your schema use Absinthe.Schema, use_spec_compliant_int_scalar: true.
  • :string - Represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. See the GraphQL Specification.

Built-in custom types

Note that absinthe includes a few generic extra scalar types in Absinthe.Type.Custom, these are not part of the GraphQL spec thus they must be explicitly imported. Consider using them before implementing a custom type.


Supporting ISO8601 week date format, using Timex:

scalar :iso_week_date do
  description "ISO8601 week date (ex: 2022-W42-2)"
  parse &Timex.parse(&1, "{YYYY}-W{Wiso}-{WDmon}")
  serialize &Timex.format!(&1, "{YYYY}-W{Wiso}-{WDmon}")




A defined scalar type.

The internal, canonical representation of a scalar value


Callback implementation for c:Absinthe.Introspection.TypeKind.kind/0.


@type t() :: %Absinthe.Type.Scalar{
  __private__: Keyword.t(),
  __reference__: Absinthe.Type.Reference.t(),
  definition: module(),
  description: binary(),
  identifier: atom(),
  name: binary(),
  open_ended: term(),
  parse: term(),
  serialize: term()

A defined scalar type.

Note new scalars should be defined using Absinthe.Schema.Notation.scalar.

  • :name - The name of scalar. Should be a TitleCased binary. Set Automatically by Absinthe.Schema.Notation.scalar.
  • :description - A nice description for introspection.
  • :serialize - A function used to convert a value to a form suitable for JSON serialization
  • :parse - A function used to convert the raw, incoming form of a scalar to the canonical internal format.

The :__private__ and :__reference__ keys are for internal use.

@type value_t() :: any()

The internal, canonical representation of a scalar value


Callback implementation for c:Absinthe.Introspection.TypeKind.kind/0.

Link to this function

parse(type, value, context \\ %{})

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