API Reference AbsintheGrahqlWS v0.3.6



Indicates that the requested operation execution has completed. If the server dispatched the Error message relative to the original Subscribe message, no Complete message will be emitted.

Must be sent in response to a ConnectionInit message from the client.

Operation execution error(s) triggered by the Next message happening before the actual execution, usually due to validation errors.

Operation execution result(s) from the source stream created by the binding Subscribe message. After all results have been emitted, the Complete message will follow indicating stream completion.

Reply to a Ping message.

This module is used by a custom websocket, which can then handle connections from a client implementing the GraphQL over WebSocket protocol

Handles messages coming into the socket from clients (implemented in handle_in/2) as well as messages coming from within Elixir/Absinthe (implemented in handle_info/2).

Helper functions that are imported into a module using Absinthe.GraphqlWS.Socket.