absinthe_relay v1.4.6 Absinthe.Relay.Mutation.Notation.Modern View Source

Convenience macros for Relay Modern mutations.

(If you want clientMutationId handling, see Absinthe.Relay.Mutation.Notation.Classic!)

The payload macro can be used by schema designers to support mutation fields that receive either:

  • A single non-null input object argument (using the input macro in this module)
  • Any arguments you want to use (using the normal arg macro)

More information can be found at https://facebook.github.io/relay/docs/mutations.html


In this example we add a mutation field :simple_mutation that accepts an input argument of a new type (which is defined for us because we use the input macro), which contains an :input_data field.

We also declare the output will contain a field, :result.

Notice the resolve function doesn’t need to know anything about the wrapping input argument — it only concerns itself with the contents. The input fields are passed to the resolver just like they were declared as separate top-level arguments.

mutation do
  payload field :simple_mutation do
    input do
      field :input_data, non_null(:integer)
    output do
      field :result, :integer
    resolve fn
      %{input_data: input_data}, _ ->
        # Some mutation side-effect here
        {:ok, %{result: input_data * 2}}

Here’s a query document that would hit this field:

mutation DoSomethingSimple {
  simpleMutation(input: {inputData: 2}) {

And here’s the response:

  "data": {
    "simpleMutation": {
      "result": 4

Note the above code would create the following types in our schema, ad hoc:

  • SimpleMutationInput
  • SimpleMutationPayload

For this reason, the identifier passed to payload field must be unique across your schema.

Using your own arguments

You are free to just declare your own arguments instead. The input argument and type behavior is only activated for your mutation field if you use the input macro.

You’re free to define your own arguments using arg, as usual, with one caveat: don’t call one :input.

The Escape Hatch

The mutation macros defined here are just for convenience; if you want something that goes against these restrictions, don’t worry! You can always just define your types and fields using normal (field, arg, input_object, etc) schema notation macros as usual.

Link to this section Summary


Defines the input type for your payload field. See the module documentation for an example

Defines the output (payload) type for your payload field. See the module documentation for an example

Define a mutation with a single input and a client mutation ID. See the module documentation for more information

Link to this section Functions

Defines the input type for your payload field. See the module documentation for an example.

Defines the output (payload) type for your payload field. See the module documentation for an example.

Link to this macro payload(arg, list) View Source (macro)

Define a mutation with a single input and a client mutation ID. See the module documentation for more information.