absinthe_relay_oxo v1.2.1 Absinthe.Relay.Connection

Support for paginated result sets.

Define connection types that provide a standard mechanism for slicing and paginating result sets.

For information about the connection model, see the Relay Cursor Connections Specification at https://facebook.github.io/relay/graphql/connections.htm.


Given an object type, eg:

object :pet do
  field :name, :string

You can create a connection type to paginate them by:

connection node_type: :pet

This will automatically define two new types: :pet_connection and :pet_edge.

We define a field that uses these types to paginate associated records by using connection field. Here, for instance, we support paginating a person’s pets:

object :person do
  field :first_name, :string
  connection field :pets, node_type: :pet do
    resolve fn
      pagination_args, %{source: person} ->
        connection = Absinthe.Relay.Connection.from_list(
          Enum.map(person.pet_ids, &pet_from_id(&1)),
        {:ok, connection}

The :pets field is automatically set to return a :pet_connection type, and configured to accept the standard pagination arguments after, before, first, and last. We create the connection by using Absinthe.Relay.Connection.from_list/2, which takes a list and the pagination arguments passed to the resolver.

Note: Absinthe.Relay.Connection.from_list/2, like connectionFromArray in the JS implementation, expects that the full list of records be materialized and provided — it just discards what it doesn’t need. Planned for future development is an implementation more like connectionFromArraySlice, intended for use in cases where you know the cardinality of the connection, consider it too large to materialize the entire array, and instead wish pass in a slice of the total result large enough to cover the range specified in the pagination arguments.

Here’s how you might request the names of the first $petCount pets a person owns:

query FindPets($personId: ID!, $petCount: Int!) {
  person(id: $personId) {
    pets(first: $petCount) {
      pageInfo {
      edges {
        node {

edges here is the list of intermediary edge types (created for you automatically) that contain a field, node, that is the same :node_type you passed earlier (:pet).

pageInfo is a field that contains information about the current view; the startCursor, endCursor, hasPreviousPage, and hasNextPage fields.

Customizing Types

If you’d like to add additional fields to the generated connection and edge types, you can do that by providing a block to the connection macro, eg, here we add a field, :twice_edges_count to the connection type, and another, :node_name_backwards, to the edge type:

connection node_type: :pet do
  field :twice_edges_count, :integer do
    resolve fn
      _, %{source: conn} ->
        {:ok, length(conn.edges) * 2}
  edge do
    field :node_name_backwards, :string do
    resolve fn
      _, %{source: edge} ->
        {:ok, edge.node.name |> String.reverse}

Just remember that if you use the block form of connection, you must call the edge macro within the block.

Creating Connections

This module provides two functions that mirror similar Javascript functions, from_list/2,3 and from_slice/2,3. We also provide from_query/2,3 if you have Ecto as a dependency for convenience.

Use from_list when you have all items in a list that you’re going to paginate over.

Use from_slice when you have items for a particular request, and merely need a connection produced from these items.

Schema Macros

For more details on connection-related macros, see Absinthe.Relay.Connection.Notation.



Rederives the offset from the cursor string

Get a connection object for a list of data

Build a connection from an Ecto Query

Build a connection from slice

The direction and desired number of records in the pagination arguments

Same as limit/1 with user provided upper bound

Returns the offset for a page

Creates the cursor string from an offset


cursor :: binary

An opaque pagination cursor

Internally it has the base64 encoded structure:

edge :: %{node: term, cursor: cursor}
from_query_opts ::
  [{:count, non_neg_integer}] |
from_slice_opts :: [has_next_page: boolean, has_previous_page: boolean]
limit :: non_neg_integer
offset :: non_neg_integer

Offset from zero.

Negative offsets are not supported.

page_info :: %{start_cursor: cursor, end_cursor: cursor, has_previous_page: boolean, has_next_page: boolean}
pagination_direction :: :forward | :backward
t :: %{edges: [edge], page_info: page_info}




cursor_to_offset(binary) :: integer | :error

Rederives the offset from the cursor string.

from_list(data, args, opts \\ [])

Get a connection object for a list of data.

A simple function that accepts a list and connection arguments, and returns a connection object for use in GraphQL.

The data given to it should constitute all data that further pagination requests may page over. As such, it may be very inefficient if you’re pulling data from a database which could be used to more directly retrieve just the desired data.

See also from_query and from_slice.


#in a resolver module
@items ~w(foo bar baz)
def list(args, _) do
  {:ok, Connection.from_list(@items, args)}
from_query(query, repo_fun, args, opts \\ [])


from_query(Ecto.Query.t, (Ecto.Query.t -> [term]), Absinthe.Relay.Connection.Options.t, from_query_opts) :: map

Build a connection from an Ecto Query

This will automatically set a limit and offset value on the ecto query, and then run the query with whatever function is passed as the second argument.


  • Your query MUST have an order_by value. Offset does not make sense without one.
  • last: N must always be acompanied by either a before: argument to the query, or an explicit count: option to the from_query call. Otherwise it is impossible to derive the required offset.


# In a PostResolver module
alias Absinthe.Relay

def list(args, %{context: %{current_user: user}}) do
  conn =
    |> where(author_id: ^user.id)
    |> Relay.Connection.from_query(&Repo.all/1, args)
  {:ok, conn}
from_slice(items, offset, opts \\ [])


from_slice(data :: list, offset :: offset, opts :: from_slice_opts) :: t

Build a connection from slice

This function assumes you have already retrieved precisely the number of items to be returned in this connection request.

Often this function is used internally by other functions.


This is basically how our from_query/2 function works if we didn’t need to worry about backwards pagination.

# In PostResolver module
alias Absinthe.Relay

def list(args, %{context: %{current_user: user}}) do
  {:forward, limit} = Connection.limit(args)
  offset = Connection.offset(args)

  conn =
    |> where(author_id: ^user.id)
    |> limit(^limit)
    |> offset(^offset)
    |> Repo.all
    |> Relay.Connection.from_slice(offset)
  {:ok, conn}


limit(args :: Absinthe.Relay.Connection.Options.t) :: {pagination_direction, limit}

The direction and desired number of records in the pagination arguments.

limit(args, max)


limit(args :: Absinthe.Relay.Connection.Options.t, max :: pos_integer | nil) :: pos_integer

Same as limit/1 with user provided upper bound.

Often backend developers want to provide a maximum value above which no more records can be retrieved, no matter how many are asked for by the front end.

This function provides that capability. For use with from_list or from_query use the :max option on those functions.



offset(args :: Absinthe.Relay.Connection.Options.t) ::
  offset |

Returns the offset for a page.

The limit is required because if using backwards pagination the limit will be subtracted from the offset.

If no offset is specified in the pagination arguments, this will return nil.



offset_to_cursor(integer) :: binary

Creates the cursor string from an offset.