View Source AbsintheRemote.RemoteResolution (Absinthe Remote v0.3.0)

A copy of the Absinthe.Phase.Document.Execution.Resolution module.

From the absinthe project @

The only modification is to include raw_query and operation_name for later retrieval.



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error(node, message, path, extra)

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@spec flag_invalid(node :: Absinthe.Blueprint.node_t()) :: Absinthe.Blueprint.node_t()
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flag_invalid(node, flag)

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@spec flag_invalid(node :: Absinthe.Blueprint.node_t(), flag :: atom()) ::
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flag_invalid(node, flag, reason)

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@spec flag_invalid(
  node :: Absinthe.Blueprint.node_t(),
  flag :: atom(),
  reason :: String.t()
) ::
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inherit_invalid(node, children, add_flag)

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resolve_field(field, res, source, parent_type, path)

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run(bp_root, options \\ [])

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Callback implementation for

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walk_result(result, bp_node, schema_type, res, path)

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This function walks through any existing results. If no results are found at a given node, it will call the requisite function to expand and build those results