AbtDid v0.3.7 AbtDid View Source

ArcBlock DID (decentralized identification) Authentication Protocol is an open protocol that provides a secure decentralized authentication mechanism by using asymmetric cryptography technology.

This module contains methods to generate the DID from secret key or publick key or publick key hash.

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Alias to pk_to_did. See pk_to_did for more information

Gets the DID type information from the DID

Gets the public key hash of this DID

Alias to pkhash_to_did. See pkhash_to_did for more information

Verifies if a DID is valid by checking the checksum

Verifies if a public key and a DID match with each other

Generates the DID from publick key

Generate the DID from a public key hash

Generates the DID from secret key

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data_to_did(did_type, data, opts \\ []) View Source
data_to_did(AbtDid.Type.t(), binary(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Alias to pk_to_did. See pk_to_did for more information.

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get_did_type(did) View Source
get_did_type(String.t()) :: AbtDid.Type.t()

Gets the DID type information from the DID.


iex> AbtDid.get_did_type("did:abt:z1muQ3xqHQK2uiACHyChikobsiY5kLqtShA")
%AbtDid.Type{hash_type: :sha3, key_type: :ed25519, role_type: :account}

iex> AbtDid.get_did_type("z1muQ3xqHQK2uiACHyChikobsiY5kLqtShA")
%AbtDid.Type{hash_type: :sha3, key_type: :ed25519, role_type: :account}
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get_pubkey_hash(did, opts \\ [encode: true]) View Source
get_pubkey_hash(<<_::8, _::_*8>>, keyword()) :: binary()

Gets the public key hash of this DID.


iex> pk = <<136, 159, 157, 15, 85, 1, 98, 93, 76, 139, 60, 21, 243, 144, 249, 180, 60, 69, 140, 215, 195, 6, 33, 122, 117, 140, 241, 209, 47, 83, 173, 77>>
iex> did = AbtDid.pk_to_did(AbtDid.Type.validator, pk)
iex> AbtDid.get_pubkey_hash(did)
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hash_to_did(type, hash, opts) View Source
hash_to_did(atom(), binary() | String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Alias to pkhash_to_did. See pkhash_to_did for more information.

Verifies if a DID is valid by checking the checksum.


iex> AbtDid.is_valid?("did:abt:z1muQ3xqHQK2uiACHyChikobsiY5kLqtShA")

iex> AbtDid.is_valid?("z1muQ3xqHQK2uiACHyChikobsiY5kLqtShA")

iex> AbtDid.is_valid?("z2muQ3xqHQK2uiACHyChikobsiY5kLqtShA")

iex> AbtDid.is_valid?("z1muQ3xqHQK2uiACHyChikobsiY5kLqtSha")
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match_pk?(did, pk) View Source
match_pk?(String.t(), binary()) :: boolean()

Verifies if a public key and a DID match with each other.

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pk_to_did(did_type, pk, opts \\ []) View Source
pk_to_did(AbtDid.Type.t(), binary(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Generates the DID from publick key.


:form: Determines the form of DID returned. :long - The returned DID will be prefixed by "did:abt:". :short - The retuned DID has only DID string.

:encode: Detemines whether or not encode the DID. true - The returned DID will be encoded as Base58. false - The returned DID will be in binary format and :form will be set as :short.

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pkhash_to_did(role_type, pk_hash, opts \\ []) View Source
pkhash_to_did(:node, binary() | String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
pkhash_to_did(:validator, binary() | String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
pkhash_to_did(:tether, binary() | String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
pkhash_to_did(:swap, binary() | String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
pkhash_to_did(atom(), binary() | String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Generate the DID from a public key hash.


:form: Determines the form of DID returned. :long - The returned DID will be prefixed by "did:abt:". :short - The retuned DID has only DID string.

:encode: Detemines whether or not encode the DID. true - The returned DID will be encoded as Base58. false - The returned DID will be in binary format and :form will be set as :short.


iex> sk = "3E0F9A313300226D51E33D5D98A126E86396956122E97E32D31CEE2277380B83FF47B3022FA503EAA1E9FA4B20FA8B16694EA56096F3A2E9109714062B3486D9" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> did = AbtDid.sk_to_did(AbtDid.Type.validator, sk)
iex> pk_hash = AbtDid.get_pubkey_hash(did)
iex> AbtDid.pkhash_to_did(:validator, pk_hash)

iex> pk = "FF47B3022FA503EAA1E9FA4B20FA8B16694EA56096F3A2E9109714062B3486D9" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.pk_to_did(AbtDid.Type.node, pk)
iex> pk_hash = "D1B287B1ACB71A980568C99A3AB32A8ED1D9C1BB" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.pkhash_to_did(:node, pk_hash)
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sk_to_did(did_type, sk, opts \\ []) View Source
sk_to_did(AbtDid.Type.t(), binary(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Generates the DID from secret key.


:form: Determines the form of DID returned. :long - The returned DID will be prefixed by "did:abt:". :short - The retuned DID has only DID string.

:encode: Detemines whether or not encode the DID. true - The returned DID will be encoded as Base58. false - The returned DID will be in binary format and :form will be set as :short.


iex> sk = "3E0F9A313300226D51E33D5D98A126E86396956122E97E32D31CEE2277380B83FF47B3022FA503EAA1E9FA4B20FA8B16694EA56096F3A2E9109714062B3486D9" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(%AbtDid.Type{}, sk)

iex> sk = "3E0F9A313300226D51E33D5D98A126E86396956122E97E32D31CEE2277380B83FF47B3022FA503EAA1E9FA4B20FA8B16694EA56096F3A2E9109714062B3486D9" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(AbtDid.Type.node, sk)

iex> sk = "3E0F9A313300226D51E33D5D98A126E86396956122E97E32D31CEE2277380B83FF47B3022FA503EAA1E9FA4B20FA8B16694EA56096F3A2E9109714062B3486D9" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(AbtDid.Type.validator, sk)

iex> sk = "3E0F9A313300226D51E33D5D98A126E86396956122E97E32D31CEE2277380B83FF47B3022FA503EAA1E9FA4B20FA8B16694EA56096F3A2E9109714062B3486D9" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(%AbtDid.Type{role_type: :node}, sk)
** (RuntimeError) The hash_type must be :sha2 and key_type must be :ed25519 if the role_type is :node or :validator.

iex> sk = "26954E19E8781905E2CF91A18AE4F36A954C142176EE1BC27C2635520C49BC55" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(%AbtDid.Type{role_type: :validator, key_type: :secp256k1}, sk)
** (RuntimeError) The hash_type must be :sha2 and key_type must be :ed25519 if the role_type is :node or :validator.

iex> sk = "26954E19E8781905E2CF91A18AE4F36A954C142176EE1BC27C2635520C49BC55" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(%AbtDid.Type{key_type: :secp256k1}, sk)

iex> sk = "26954E19E8781905E2CF91A18AE4F36A954C142176EE1BC27C2635520C49BC55" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(%AbtDid.Type{key_type: :secp256k1}, sk, form: :short)

iex> sk = "26954E19E8781905E2CF91A18AE4F36A954C142176EE1BC27C2635520C49BC55" |> Base.decode16!()
iex> AbtDid.sk_to_did(%AbtDid.Type{key_type: :secp256k1}, sk, encode: false)
<<0, 33, 228, 184, 246, 38, 116, 137, 126, 215, 93, 240, 247, 53, 110, 130, 198, 249, 166, 74, 92, 19, 243, 204, 12, 211>>
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sk_to_wallet(did_type, sk, opts \\ []) View Source
sk_to_wallet(AbtDid.Type.t(), binary(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()