accent v1.1.1 Accent.Plug.Response

Transforms the keys of an HTTP response to the case requested by the client.

A client can request what case the keys are formatted in by passing the case as a header in the request. By default the header key is Accent. If the client does not request a case or requests an unsupported case then a default case defined by :default_case will be used. If no default case is provided then no conversion will happen. By default the supported cases are camel, pascal and snake.


  • :default_case - module used to case the response when the client does not request a case or requests an unsupported case. When not provided then no conversation will happen for the above scenarios. Defaults to nil.
  • :header - the HTTP header used to determine the case to convert the response body to before sending the response (default: Accent)
  • :json_codec - module used to encode and decode JSON. The module is expected to define decode/1 and encode!/1 functions (required).
  • :supported_cases - map that defines what cases a client can request. By default camel, pascal and snake are supported.


plug Accent.Plug.Response, default_case: Accent.Case.Snake,
                           header: "x-accent",
                           supported_cases: %{"pascal" => Accent.Case.Pascal},
                           json_codec: Jason