Module achlys_config

This is a utility module that provides shortcuts for operations on achlys application environment variables.

Authors: Igor Kopestenski ( [web site:].


This is a utility module that provides shortcuts for operations on achlys application environment variables.

Function Index

get/1 Retrieve the value of a configuration parameter of the achlys application.
get/2 Retrieve the value of a configuration parameter of the achlys application, and return a default value if the parameter is not present.
set/2 Sets a parameter in the achlys application configuration to the given value.

Function Details


get(Key::atom()) -> undefined | {ok, term()}

Equivalent to application:get_env(achlys, Key).

Retrieve the value of a configuration parameter of the achlys application. If the parameter is not present in the configuration, the atom undefined is returned.


get(Key::atom(), Default::term()) -> term()

Equivalent to application:get_env(achlys, Key, Default).

Retrieve the value of a configuration parameter of the achlys application, and return a default value if the parameter is not present.


set(Par::atom(), Val::term()) -> ok

Equivalent to application:set_env(achlys, Par, Val).

Sets a parameter in the achlys application configuration to the given value.

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