View Source AOC behaviour (Advent of Code Utils v4.0.1)

Advent of Code solution module macro and helpers.

This module contains the aoc/3 macro, which should be used to write a solution module for a given advent of code challenge. The intended use is to write your solution for day <day>, year <year> as follows:

import AOC

aoc <year>, <day> do
  def p1(input) do
    # Part 1 solution goes here

  def p2(input) do
    # Part 1 solution goes here

Writing a solution module with the aoc/3 macro enables you to use the functions defined in the AOC.IEx module to test your solutions with ease. For instance, you can use AOC.IEx.p1e/1 to call p1 with the example input of the current day and AOC.IEx.p1i/1 to call p1 with the puzzle input of the current day. Similar functions are available for p2.

Note that the code skeleton shown above can be generated by running mix aoc.gen or mix aoc.



Part 1 solution.

Part 2 solution.


Generate an advent of code solution module for a given year and day.

Generate an advent of code test module for a given year and day.


@callback p1(String.t()) :: any()

Part 1 solution.

Must accept a string which represents the puzzle or example input.

@callback p2(String.t()) :: any()

Part 2 solution.

Must accept a string which represents the puzzle or example input. This callback is marked as optional as day 25 does not have a second part; this also prevents warnings while working on part 1.


Link to this macro

aoc(year, day, list)

View Source (macro)

Generate an advent of code solution module for a given year and day.

The generated module will be named Y<year>.D<day>. The helpers in AOC.IEx rely on this convention to find your solution module.


import AOC

aoc 2020, 1 do
  def some_function do

is equivalent to:

defmodule Y2020.D1 do
  @behaviour AOC

  def some_function do
Link to this macro

aoc_test(year, day, opts \\ [], list)

View Source (macro)

Generate an advent of code test module for a given year and day.

The generated module will be named Y<year>.D<day>.AOCTest. It will be tagged with the year, day and date of the puzzle, and will contain helper functions, input_path/0, example_path/0, input_string/0 and example_string/0 which can be used to access the example and puzzle input, as described in AOC.Case.

The generated module will import the solution module of the same date (unless import?: false is provided as an option) and automatically calls ExUnit.DocTest.doctest/1 on the solution module, unless doctest?: false is provided as an option. Any other options (such as async: true) are passed to ExUnit.


import AOC

aoc_test 2020,1, async: true do
  test "does my helper work?" do
    assert some_helper(:foo) == 42

Is equivalent to:

defmodule Y2020.D1.AOCTest do
  use AOC.Case, year: 2020, day: 1, async: true

  import Y2020.D1

  test "does my helper work?" do
    assert some_helper(:foo) == 42

  doctest Y2020.D1