Alchemetrics v0.5.2 Alchemetrics View Source
Data Report Interface
All reported values follow the same flow:
- They are stored in a dataset and stay there for a configurable time span;
- After that time span the dataset is measured. Various measurements are made on the dataset;
- The measurement results are sent to some
; - The dataset is reset.
This document provides a detailed explanation about each one of those steps.
Value Report
All collected values are stored in datasets. The reported value is identified by a name or by some metadata, which determines the set of data at which this value will be stored. Therefore, values with metadata or similar names are stored in the same dataset.
If a collected value can not be stored in any existing dataset, a new one is created.
Each value accumulated in the dataset will stay there for a configurable time interval. At the end of this interval, the dataset will be measured and reset.
Data Set Measurement
Measuring a dataset is to perform a certain calculation on the values accumulated in it. The types of measurement include the average calculation, percentiles and the sum of these values. Each of the measurements generates a different value, which is sent to the Alchemetrics.CustomBackend
configured in the application. After that, the dataset is reset.
When reporting a value through the report/2
function, the following measurements will be made:
: The 99th percentile of the dataset.:p95
: The 95th percentile of the dataset.:avg
: The average of the dataset.:min
: The minimum value at the dataset.:max
: The maximum value at the dataset.:last_interval
: The sum of all dataset values on the last time interval.:total
: The total sum of the dataset since the application boot.
Report Examples:
# Making two reports for the same dataset in the same time interval, response_time_on: %{controller: UsersController, action: :info}), response_time_on: %{controller: UsersController, action: :info})
# Each measurement is made in the dataset and the result is sent to the backends
# In this example the backend only prints the results of the measurements in the console
%{datapoint: :max, response_time_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 99}
%{datapoint: :min, response_time_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 1}
%{datapoint: :avg, response_time_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 50}
%{datapoint: :p95, response_time_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 99}
%{datapoint: :p99, response_time_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 99}
%{datapoint: :last_interval, response_time_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 100}
%{datapoint: :total, response_time_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 100}
When reporting a value through the increment/1
or increment_by/2
functions, the following measurements will be applied:
: The sum of all dataset values on the last time interval.:total
: The total sum of the dataset since the application boot.
Increment Examples:
# Collecting 3 requests within the same time range:
Alchemetrics.increment(requests_on: %{controller: UsersController, action: :info})
Alchemetrics.increment(requests_on: %{controller: UsersController, action: :info})
Alchemetrics.increment(requests_on: %{controller: UsersController, action: :info})
# The dataset is measured and the value is sent to the backend.
# In this example the backend only prints the results of the measurements in the console
# After that, the dataset is reset.
# The ConsoleBackend will print each one of the measurements
# Printing :last_interval
%{datapoint: :last_interval, requests_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 3}
# Printing :total
%{datapoint: :total, requests_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 3}
# No increments were made on the last interval.
# So, when the measurement is made, the last interval sum will be zero, but the total is kept at 3:
%{datapoint: :last_interval, requests_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 0}
%{datapoint: :total, requests_on: %{action: :info, controller: UsersController}, value: 3}
Link to this section Summary
Reports the value 1
Similar to increment/1
, but accept any value other than 1
Reports a specific value or the execution time of a function
Link to this section Functions
Reports the value 1.
The following measures will be applied:
: The sum of all dataset values on the last time interval.:total
: The total sum of the dataset since the application boot.
: Identifies the dataset where this value should be stored. Can be anatom
or aKeywordList
Increments are useful, for example, to count the number of requests on a particular route in a Phoenix application.
defmodule MyAppWeb.UsersController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
plug :count_request
def info(conn, _params), do: json(conn, %{name: "Some User", email: ""})
def count_request(conn, _) do
Alchemetrics.increment(requests_at: %{
controller: Phoenix.Controller.controller_module(conn),
action: Phoenix.Controller.action_name(conn)
Similar to increment/1
, but accept any value other than 1.
The following measures will be applied:
: The sum of all dataset values on the last time interval.:total
: The total sum of the dataset since the application boot.
: The value to be collected. Can be any
: Identifies the dataset where this value should be stored. Can be anatom
or aKeywordList
Reports a specific value or the execution time of a function.
The following measures will be applied:
: The 99th percentile of the dataset.:p95
: The 95th percentile of the dataset.:avg
: The average of the dataset.:min
: The minimum value at the dataset.:max
: The maximum value at the dataset.:last_interval
: Like in the Increment Data Set, the sum on the last interval is also available here.:total
: Like in the Increment Data Set, the total sum since the first report is also available here.
Reporting a specific value
: The collected value. Can be any integername
: Identifies the dataset where this value should be stored. Can be anatom
or aKeywordList
Reports are useful to report generic values like a response time for a given route. Therefore, you could create a Plug that reports the response time of a certain route:
defmodule MyApp.Plugs.RequestMeasurer do
@behaviour Plug
def init(opts \ []), do: opts
def call(conn, opts) do
start = System.monotonic_time()
Plug.Conn.register_before_send(conn, fn conn ->
diff = System.convert_time_unit(System.monotonic_time() - start, :native, :micro_seconds), request_time: %{
method: conn.method,
path: conn.request_path,
status: conn.status
# You can track any request by pluging it at my_app_web/endpoint.ex
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
plug MyApp.Plugs.RequestMeasurer
Reporting a function execution time
: Identifies the dataset where this value should be stored. Can be anatom
or aKeywordList
: Behaviour that will be executed and measured. Can be any function
The return of the function after being executed.
metric_name = [
processing_time: %{
processor: MyApp.MatrixOperator,
operation: "multiplication",
], fn ->
MyApp.MatrixOperator.multiply(matrix1, matrix2)