Alembix (alembix v0.1.2)

## Install

In your mix.exs file add alembix to the release config

  defp releases do
      api: [
        include_executables_for: [:unix],
        applications: [
          runtime_tools: :permanent,
          alembic: :permanent,
          api: :permanent
        runtime_config_path: "config/releases.exs",

## Use

In your release.exs file use Alembix to fetch variables.

 config :api, :server, Alembic.fetch_boolean!("START_SERVER")

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

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fetch_atom(name, default \\ nil)

@spec fetch_atom(String.t(), any()) :: atom()
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@spec fetch_atom!(String.t()) :: atom() | :no_return
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fetch_base_16(name, default \\ nil)

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fetch_boolean(name, default \\ [])

@spec fetch_boolean(String.t(), any()) :: boolean() | nil
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@spec fetch_boolean!(String.t()) :: boolean() | :no_return
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fetch_env(name, default \\ nil)

@spec fetch_env(String.t(), any()) :: any()
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@spec fetch_env!(String.t()) :: String.t() | :no_return
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fetch_integer(name, default \\ nil)

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@spec fetch_integer!(String.t()) :: integer()