
The ALE has a number of configuration options you can set to change the runtime experience.

Initialization Options

When you first create your an Interface with, you can add the following options:

  • :display_screen: true or false to display screen. Defaults to false.
  • :random_seed: Integer ALE random seed. Defaults to current time.
  • :sound: true or false to play sound. Defaults to false.

Environment Options

Once you've loaded a ROM, you can set a number of environment options:

  • :repeat_action_probability: Float probability that agent will repeat action in next frame regardless of it's choice. Defaults to 0.
  • :color_averaging: true or false to enable color averaging. Defaults to false.
  • :max_num_frames: Integer maximum frames to run. Defaults to 0 or no max.
  • :max_num_frames_per_episode: maximum frames to run per episode. Defaults to 0 or no max.
  • :frame_skip: Integer frame skipping rate. Defaults to 1 or no skip.
  • :difficulty: Integer game difficulty. Defaults to 0.
  • :mode: Integer game mode. Defaults to 0.