View Source AliyunOpenAPI.Specs.OSS (aliyun_open_api v0.6.0)

Describes an OSS style API.

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About spec_opts

spec_opts is a plain map for describing a RESTful API request.

Adding signature

This implementation has built-in V4 signature support, and it's controlled by the :sign_type option:

  • :header - add signature to the headers of request.
  • :url - add signature to the url of request.

V1 signature is not supported.

Required headers

All necessary headers of requests will be generated automatically. You don't have to specifically set them, unless you want to customize it.


Send a request for ListBucktets operation

alias AliyunOpenAPI.Config
alias AliyunOpenAPI.Specs.OSS
alias AliyunOpenAPI.HTTP.Request
alias AliyunOpenAPI.HTTP.Client

config =!(
    access_key_id: "...",
    access_key_secret: "..."
  sign_type: :header,
  region: "oss-us-west-1",
  endpoint: "",
  method: :get,
  path: "/"
|> Request.from_spec!()
|> Client.request()

Create a pre-signed url for GetObject operation

alias AliyunOpenAPI.Config
alias AliyunOpenAPI.Specs.OSS
alias AliyunOpenAPI.HTTP.Request

config =!(
    access_key_id: "...",
    access_key_secret: "..."
  sign_type: :url,
  region: "oss-us-west-1",
  bucket: "example-bucket",
  endpoint: "",
  method: :get,
  path: "/example-object",
  headers: %{
    "x-oss-expires" => 900
|> Request.from_spec!()
|> Request.url()



@type body() :: iodata() | nil
@type bucket() :: String.t() | nil
@type endpoint() :: String.t()

The base url that the request is sent to.

Following formats are supported:

  • region URL, such as
  • virtual-hosted style URL, such as
  • custom domain name, such as
  • ...
@type headers() :: %{
  optional(name :: String.t()) =>
    value :: nil | boolean() | number() | String.t()
@type method() :: String.t()
@type path() :: String.t()
@type query() :: %{
  optional(name :: String.t()) =>
    value :: nil | boolean() | number() | String.t()
@type region() :: String.t()
@type sign_type() :: :header | :url
@type spec_opt() ::
  {:region, region()}
  | {:bucket, bucket()}
  | {:sign_type, sign_type()}
  | {:endpoint, endpoint()}
  | {:method, method()}
  | {:path, path()}
  | {:query, query()}
  | {:headers, headers()}
  | {:body, body()}
@type spec_opts() :: [spec_opt()]
@type t() :: %AliyunOpenAPI.Specs.OSS{
  body: body(),
  bucket: bucket(),
  config: AliyunOpenAPI.Config.t(),
  endpoint: endpoint(),
  headers: headers(),
  method: method(),
  path: path(),
  query: query(),
  region: region(),
  sign_type: sign_type()


@spec new!(AliyunOpenAPI.Config.t(), spec_opts()) :: t()