Runbox.RunStartContext (runbox v7.0.1)

Structure holding context of starting run.

This structure is passed as param to every run component start.

Link to this section Summary



Currently context holds only mapping of names to pids of already started components.


Adds pid of component identified by name to context.

Returns pid of component identitfied by name.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Runbox.RunStartContext{components_pids: %{required(term()) => pid()}}

Currently context holds only mapping of names to pids of already started components.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

add_component(ctx, name, pid)

@spec add_component(t(), term(), pid()) :: t()

Adds pid of component identified by name to context.

Link to this function

component_pid(ctx, name)

@spec component_pid(t(), term()) :: pid()

Returns pid of component identitfied by name.