View Source AMQP.Application (amqp v3.2.0)

Provides access to configured connections and channels.

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Provides an easy way to access an AMQP channel.

Provides an easy way to access an AMQP connection.

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get_channel(name \\ :default)

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@spec get_channel(binary() | atom()) :: {:ok, AMQP.Channel.t()} | {:error, any()}

Provides an easy way to access an AMQP channel.

AMQP.Application provides a wrapper on top of AMQP.Channel with .

The channel will be monitored by AMQP's GenServer and it will automatically try to reopen when the channel is gone.



When you want to have a single channel in your app:

config :amqp,
  connection: [url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:15672"],
  channel: []

Then the channel will be open at the start of the application and you can access it via this function.

iex> {:ok, chan} = AMQP.Application.get_channel()

You can also set up multiple channels with :channels key:

config :amqp,
  connections: [
    business_report: [url: "amqp://host1"],
    analytics: [url: "amqp://host2"]
  channels: [
    business_report: [connection: :business_report],
    analytics: [connection: :analytics]

Then you can access each channel with its name.

iex> {:ok, conn1} = AMQP.Application.get_channel(:business_report)
iex> {:ok, conn2} = AMQP.Application.get_channel(:analytics)

You can also have multiple channels for a single connection.

config :amqp,
  connection: [],
  channels: [
    consumer: [],
    producer: []


Configuration options

  • :connection - The connection name configured with connection or connections (default :default)

  • :retry_interval - The retry interval in milliseconds when the channel is failed to open (default 5000)



Although AMQP will reopen the named channel automatically when it is closed for some reasons, your application still needs to monitor the channel for a consumer process.

Be aware the channel reopened doesn't automatically recover the subscription of your consumer

Here is a sample GenServer module that monitors the channel and re-subscribe the channel.

defmodule AppConsumer do
  use GenServer
  @channel :default
  @queue "myqueue"


  def handle_info(:subscribe, state) do
    case subscribe() do
      {:ok, chan} ->
        {:noreply, Map.put(state, :channel, chan)}
      _ ->
        {:noreply, state}

  def handle_info({:DOWN, _, :process, pid, reason}, %{channel: %{pid: pid}} = state) do
    send(self(), :subscribe)
    {:noreply, Map.put(state, :channel, nil)}

  defp subscribe() do
    case AMQP.Application.get_channel(@channel) do
      {:ok, chan} ->
        {:ok, _consumer_tag} = AMQP.Basic.consume(@channel, @queue)
        {:ok, chan}

      _error ->
        Process.send_after(self(), :subscribe, 1000)
        {:error, :retrying}
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get_connection(name \\ :default)

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@spec get_connection(binary() | atom()) ::
  {:ok, AMQP.Connection.t()} | {:error, any()}

Provides an easy way to access an AMQP connection.

The connection will be monitored by AMQP's GenServer and it will automatically try to reconnect when the connection is gone.



When you want to have a single connection in your app:

config :amqp, connection: [
    url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:15672"

You can also use any options available on

config :amqp, connection: [
    host: "localhost",
    port: 15672
    username: "guest",
    password: "guest"

Then the connection will be open at the start of the application and you can access via this function.

iex> {:ok, conn} = AMQP.Application.get_connection()

By default, it tries to connect to your local RabbitMQ. You can simply pass the empty keyword list too:

config :amqp, connection: [] # == [url: "amqp://"]

You can set up multiple connections with :connections key:

config :amqp, connections: [
    business_report: [
      url: "amqp://host1"
    analytics: [
      url: "amqp://host2"

Then you can access each connection with its name.

iex> {:ok, conn1} = AMQP.Application.get_connection(:business_report)
iex> {:ok, conn2} = AMQP.Application.get_connection(:analytics)

The default name is :default so These two configurations are equivalent:

config :amqp, connection: []
config :amqp, connections: [default: []]


Configuration options

  • :retry_interval - The retry interval in milliseconds when the connection is failed to open. (default 5000)

  • :url - AMQP URI for the connection

See also for all available options.