Behaviours: gen_statem
attach_args() = #{name => binary(), role => attach_role(), snd_settle_mode => snd_settle_mode(), rcv_settle_mode => rcv_settle_mode(), filter => filter(), properties => amqp10_client_types:properties(), max_message_size => max_message_size(), handle => output_handle(), footer_opt => footer_opt()}
attach_role() = {sender, target_def()} | {receiver, source_def(), pid()}
filter() = #{binary() => binary() | map() | [binary()]}
footer_opt() = crc32 | adler32
link_address() = binary()
link_ref() = #link_ref{}
max_message_size() = undefined | non_neg_integer()
output_handle() = link_handle()
"The remotely chosen handle is referred to as the input handle." [2.6.2]
source_def() = #{address => link_address(), durable => terminus_durability()}
target_def() = #{address => link_address(), durable => terminus_durability()}
terminus_durability() = none | configuration | unsettled_state
transfer_error() = {error, insufficient_credit | remote_incoming_window_exceeded | message_size_exceeded | link_not_found | half_attached}
'begin'(Connection::pid()) -> supervisor:startchild_ret()
'end'(Pid::pid()) -> ok
attach(Session::pid(), Args::attach_args()) -> {ok, link_ref()}
begin_sent(X1, X2, State) -> any()
begin_sync(Connection::pid()) -> supervisor:startchild_ret()
begin_sync(Connection::pid(), Timeout::non_neg_integer()) -> supervisor:startchild_ret() | session_timeout
callback_mode() -> any()
code_change(OldVsn, StateName, State, Extra) -> any()
detach(Session::pid(), Handle::output_handle()) -> ok | {error, link_not_found | half_attached}
disposition(Link_ref::link_ref(), First::delivery_number(), Last::delivery_number(), Settled::boolean(), DeliveryState::amqp10_client_types:delivery_state()) -> ok
end_sent(EvtType, Frame, State) -> any()
flow(Session, Handle, Flow, RenewWhenBelow) -> any()
format_status(Status) -> any()
init(X1) -> any()
mapped(EvtType, Flow, State) -> any()
socket_ready(Pid::pid(), Socket::amqp10_client_connection:amqp10_socket()) -> ok
start_link(From, Channel, Reader, ConnConfig) -> any()
terminate(Reason, StateName, State) -> any()
transfer(Session::pid(), Amqp10Msg::amqp10_msg:amqp10_msg(), Timeout::timeout()) -> ok | transfer_error()
unmapped(X1, X2, State) -> any()
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