View Source AnkiConnect.Actions.Media (anki_connect v0.1.1)

Media actions.

All functions are delegated inside AnkiConnect module, so you should import them from there.

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Deletes the specified file inside the media folder.

Gets the full path to the folder of the currently opened profile.

Gets the names of media files matched the pattern. Returning all names by default.

Retrieves the base64-encoded contents of the specified file, returning error if the file does not exist.

Stores a file with the specified base64-encoded contents inside the media folder.

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@spec delete_media_file(%{filename: String.t()}) :: {:ok, nil} | {:error, any()}

Deletes the specified file inside the media folder.


Sample param:

  filename: "_hello.txt"


Sample result:

{:ok, nil}
@spec get_media_dir_path() :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()}

Gets the full path to the folder of the currently opened profile.


Sample result:

{:ok, "/home/user/.local/share/Anki2/Main/"}
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@spec get_media_files_names(%{pattern: String.t()}) ::
  {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, any()}

Gets the names of media files matched the pattern. Returning all names by default.


Sample param:

  pattern: "_hell*.txt"


Sample result:

{:ok, ["_hello.txt"]}
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@spec retrieve_media_file(%{filename: String.t()}) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()}

Retrieves the base64-encoded contents of the specified file, returning error if the file does not exist.


Sample param:

  filename: "_hello.txt"


Sample result:

{:ok, "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="}
@spec store_media_file(map()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()}

Stores a file with the specified base64-encoded contents inside the media folder.

Alternatively you can specify a absolute file path, or a url from where the file shell be downloaded. If more than one of data, path and url are provided, the data field will be used first, then path, and finally url.

To prevent Anki from removing files not used by any cards (e.g. for configuration files), prefix the filename with an underscore. These files are still synchronized to AnkiWeb.

Any existing file with the same name is deleted by default. Set deleteExisting to false to prevent that by letting Anki give the new file a non-conflicting name.


Sample param (base64 encoded):

  filename: "_hello.txt",
  data: "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="


Sample param (absolute path):

  filename: "_hello.txt",
  path: "/path/to/file"


Sample param (URL):

  filename: "_hello.txt",
  url: ""


Sample result:

{:ok, "_hello.txt"}