View Source Asynchronous Jobs

Note: This page is being updated for OSS release. Please be patient.

Antikythera provides gears with a way to asynchronously run arbitrary code. This feature is referred to as "async job" throughout documentations of antikythera. Async jobs are executed in background of HTTP request/response interactions.

Async jobs are useful for tasks such as:

  • batch inserts
  • sending many emails
  • download and process files
  • scheduled jobs

Antikythera's async job processing comes with the following features:

  • Automatic retry of failed jobs
  • Support of timed jobs (jobs that start at specified times)
  • Support of recurring schedule (using crontab format)
  • Timeout of job execution
  • Load balancing of job executions within ErlangVMs in the cluster
  • Resource capping (implemented in terms of executor pools)

Usage example

To use async job, gear implementation must define a module that uses Antikythera.AsyncJob.

defmodule YourGear.SomeAsyncJob do
  use Antikythera.AsyncJob

  @impl true
  def run(payload, _job_id, _context) do
    # put arbitrary code here

Then invoke YourGear.SomeAsyncJob.register/3. You can register new jobs from within both controller actions and async jobs. In your local development environment you can try within $ iex -S mix.

YourGear.SomeAsyncJob.register(%{"arbitrary" => "map"}, {:gear, :your_gear})

Internally, it inserts the job to a job queue for executor pool {:gear, :your_gear}, the job queue notifies a broker process of the newly registered job, the broker spawns a worker to run the job, and then the following call to is evaluated within the worker:{"arbitrary" => "map"}, job_metadata, context_for_this_job_execution)

For details of the async job API please refer to Antikythera.AsyncJob.