View Source Gear-to-Gear (g2g) Communication

Note: This page is being updated for OSS release. Please be patient.

  • Antikythera defines an interface for g2g communication. The interface closely resembles the HTTP protocol: it has method, path, body, headers, etc. This introduces a few nice things:
    • Gear developers can focus on standard HTTP terminology. They can be written/tested in the same way.
    • The same interface enhances code reuse: e.g. code for web request automatically implements gear request handling.
  • Antikythera routes a g2g request to its target gear's controller action by matching its method and path, as is the case for web request (see also routing).
  • You can send request to another gear by using TargetGear.G2g module. For usage of G2g modules, refer to test code in testgear.

Avoiding unnecessary body decoding/encoding

Suppose you are implementing a gear controller action that acts as a simple proxy to another gear, i.e., returns a g2g response returned by another gear's action as it is. You would implement the action as follows (assuming JSON encoded body):

# Bad: don't do this
def action_xyz(conn) do
  g2g_res = AnotherGear.G2g.send(conn)
  json(conn, 200, g2g_res.body)

This implementation involves unnecessary decoding/encoding of g2g_res.body because

Instead you should bypass the decoding and re-encoding using G2g.send_without_decoding/{1,2}.

# Good
def some_action(conn) do
  g2g_res = AnotherGear.G2g.send_without_decoding(conn)
  |> Conn.put_status(200)
  |> Conn.put_resp_body(g2g_res.body)
  |> Conn.put_resp_headers(g2g_res.headers)