View Source Testing

Note: This page is being updated for OSS release. Please be patient.


  • You can write tests for your gear using standard ExUnit test framework.
  • StreamData (powerful property-based testing library) is also available out of the box. Consider using property-based style, especially when testing side-effect free functions.
  • For testing purposes antikythera provides some helpers. See modules prefixed with Antikythera.Test.. Note that those modules are solely for test code; don't use these modules in your production code.

Whitebox/blackbox testing and test modes

  • Antikythera defines the following two ways to run your gear's tests.

    • Start an ErlangVM to run both production code and test code of your gear. This type of test execution is called whitebox testing as test code may touch the internal of the gear implementation.
    • Start an ErlangVM to run only test code which interacts with an already-running ErlangVM that is executing your gear's production code. The tests in this mode check behavior of the target only through public interface of your gear (e.g. HTTP) and thus it's called blackbox testing.
  • Running tests

    • whitebox tests:
      • $ mix test
    • blackbox tests:
  • You can specify when to run each of your tests by putting tags.

    • @tag :blackbox : runs during both whitebox and blackbox testing
    • @tag :blackbox_only : runs during blackbox testing; omitted during whitebox testing
    • (no tag) : runs during whitebox testing; omitted during blackbox testing
  • Recommendation on which tag to use

    • In general, your tests can be classified based on the following properties:

      • target interface
        1. internal (Elixir) function
        2. interface which users consume, such as HTTP
      • interaction with external service(s) during test
        1. do not use any external service
        2. use stubbed/mocked version of external service(s) to test in isolation
        3. use real external service(s) for integration testing
    • Use the following table as a general rule of thumb.

      target interfaceexternal serviceswhitebox testingblackbox testingtag
      a (Elixir)a (no)OXnone
      a (Elixir)b (stub)OXnone
      a (Elixir)c (yes)XX(high- and low-level concepts are mixed; don't write this kind of tests!)
      b (end-user)a (no)OO@blackbox
      b (end-user)b (stub)OXnone
      b (end-user)c (yes)XO@blackbox_only
  • Reference: See also Antikythera.Test.Config

Secret in testing

  • Sometimes tests require certain kind of secret that should not be hardcoded in tests.
    • e.g. API key for an external service
  • To pass such information to test runner process, antikythera defines WHITEBOX_TEST_SECRET_JSON and BLACKBOX_TEST_SECRET_JSON environment variable.
  • In your test cases you can obtain contents of the environment variable via Antikythera.Test.Config.whitebox_test_secret/0 or Antikythera.Test.Config.blackbox_test_secret/0 which returns JSON-parsed variable.