View Source ArangoXEcto.Adapter (ArangoX Ecto v2.0.0)

Ecto adapter for ArangoDB using ArangoX

This implements methods for Ecto.Adapter. These functions should not be accessed directly and should only be used by Ecto. Direct interaction functions are in the ArangoXEcto module.



Returns true if a connection has been checked out

Checks out a connection for the duration of the given function.

Returns the dumpers for a given type.

Ensure all applications necessary to run the adapter are started

Receives a DDL command and executes it

Initialise adapter with config

Returns the loaders of a given type.



Returns true if a connection has been checked out

checkout(adapter_meta, opts, callback)

Checks out a connection for the duration of the given function.

dumpers(arg1, type)

Returns the dumpers for a given type.

ensure_all_started(config, type)

Ensure all applications necessary to run the adapter are started

execute_ddl(repo, command, opts)

(since 2.0.0)
@spec execute_ddl(
  Ecto.Repo.t() | Ecto.Adapter.adapter_meta(),
) :: {:ok, [{Logger.level(), any(), Keyword.t()}]}

Receives a DDL command and executes it


Initialise adapter with config

loaders(arg1, type)

Returns the loaders of a given type.

lock_with_migrations(_, _, _)