View Source ArangoXEcto.Adapter (ArangoX Ecto v2.0.0)
Ecto adapter for ArangoDB using ArangoX
This implements methods for Ecto.Adapter
. These functions should not be accessed directly
and should only be used by Ecto. Direct interaction functions are in the ArangoXEcto
Returns true if a connection has been checked out
Checks out a connection for the duration of the given function.
Returns the dumpers for a given type.
Ensure all applications necessary to run the adapter are started
Receives a DDL command and executes it
Initialise adapter with config
Returns the loaders of a given type.
Returns true if a connection has been checked out
Checks out a connection for the duration of the given function.
Returns the dumpers for a given type.
Ensure all applications necessary to run the adapter are started
@spec execute_ddl( Ecto.Repo.t() | Ecto.Adapter.adapter_meta(), tuple(), Keyword.t() ) :: {:ok, [{Logger.level(), any(), Keyword.t()}]}
Receives a DDL command and executes it
Initialise adapter with config
Returns the loaders of a given type.