View Source ArangoXEcto.Migration.Collection (ArangoX Ecto v2.0.0)
Used internally by the ArangoXEcto
To define a collection in a migration, see ArangoXEcto.Migration.collection/2
The attributes in this struct are directly passed to the ArangoDB API for creation. No validation is done on the attributes and is left to the database to manage.
Creates a new Collection struct
@type collection_option() :: {:waitForSync, boolean()} | {:type, :document | :edge} | {:schema, map()} | {:prefix, String.t()} | {:keyOptions, map()} | {:cacheEnabled, boolean()} | {:numberOfShards, integer()} | {:isSystem, boolean()} | {:shardKeys, String.t()} | {:replicationFactor, integer()} | {:writeConcern, integer()} | {:distributeShardsLike, String.t()} | {:shardingStrategy, String.t()} | {:smartJoinAttribute, String.t()}
@type t() :: %ArangoXEcto.Migration.Collection{ cacheEnabled: boolean() | nil, distributeShardsLike: String.t() | nil, isSystem: boolean() | nil, keyOptions: map() | nil, name: String.t(), numberOfShards: integer() | nil, prefix: String.t() | nil, replicationFactor: integer() | nil, schema: map() | nil, shardKeys: String.t() | nil, shardingStrategy: String.t() | nil, smartJoinAttribute: String.t() | nil, type: 2 | 3, waitForSync: boolean() | nil, writeConcern: integer() | nil }
@spec new(String.t(), [collection_option()]) :: t()
Creates a new Collection struct