View Source mix arango.gen.migration (ArangoX Ecto v2.0.0)

Generates a ArangoXEcto migration.

Unlike the default ecto_sql implementation, this will only generated migrations for repos that use the ArangoXEcto.Adapter. This prevents it trying to run ArangoDB migrations on non-ArangoXEcto repos. This is particularly useful for when using multiple database providers in one app, e.g. ArangoXEcto and PostgreSQL (through ecto_sql).

The repository must be set under :ecto_repos in the current app configuration or given via the -r option.


mix arango.gen.migration create_users
mix arango.gen.migration create_users -r Custom.Repo

The generated migration filename will be prefixed with the current timestamp in UTC which is used for versioning and ordering.

By default, the migration will be generated to the priv/YOUR_REPO/migrations directory of the current application but it can be configured to be any subdirectory of priv by specifying the :priv key under the repository configuration.

This generator will automatically open the generated file if you have ECTO_EDITOR set in your environment variable.

Command line options

  • -r, --repo - the repo to generate migration for
  • --no-compile - does not compile applications before running
  • --no-deps-check - does not check dependencies before running
  • --migrations-path - the path to run the migrations from, defaults to priv/repo/migrations


If the current app configuration specifies a custom migration module the generated migration code will use that rather than the default ArangoXEcto.Migration:

config :arangox_ecto, migration_module: MyApplication.CustomMigrationModule