View Source Searching with ArangoSearch

ArangoDB uses ArangoSearch to index collections to improve the searchability of them. With this you can do things like have multiple collections in one "view". A view is a concept that is essentially take one or more collections and indexes it using whatever "analyzer(s)" you choose to apply.

To query a View you just use it as if you were using any other collection schema. It will return the results the same as if you were querying that schema.

To create a View it is very similar to how you create a collection schema. The following will create a view that has primary sorts on :created_at and :name, it will store the :email and the :first_name & :last_name fields. Most importantly it will create a link to the MyApp.Users schema and set the analyzer for the :name field to :text_en. Some options can be set also.

defmodule MyApp.UserSearch do
  use ArangoXEcto.View

  alias ArangoXEcto.View.Link

  view "user_search" do
    primary_sort :created_at, :desc
    primary_sort :name

    store_value [:email], :lz4
    store_value [:first_name, :last_name], :none

    link MyApp.Users, %Link{
      includeAllFields: true,
      fields: %{
        name: %Link{
          analyzers: [:text_en]

    options  [
      primarySortCompression: :lz4

Querying is done exactly the same as a normal schema except the result will not be a struct.

iex> Repo.all(MyApp.UsersView)
[%{first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith"}, _]

You can find out more info in the ArangoXEcto.View module.

To query using the search function you can use the and ArangoXEcto.Query.or_search/3 functions. For example, if we wanted to search using the text analyzer we could do the following.

import ArangoXEcto.Query

|> search([uv], fragment("ANALYZER(? == ?, \\"text_en\\")", uv.first_name, "John"))
|> Repo.all()