View Source Searching with ArangoSearch
ArangoDB uses ArangoSearch to index collections to improve the searchability of them. With this you can do things like have multiple collections in one "view". A view is a concept that is essentially take one or more collections and indexes it using whatever "analyzer(s)" you choose to apply.
To query a View you just use it as if you were using any other collection schema. It will return the results the same as if you were querying that schema.
To create a View it is very similar to how you create a collection schema. The following will
create a view that has primary sorts on :created_at and :name, it will store the :email and the
:first_name & :last_name fields. Most importantly it will create a link to the MyApp.Users
schema and set the analyzer for the :name
field to :text_en
. Some options can be set also.
defmodule MyApp.UserSearch do
use ArangoXEcto.View
alias ArangoXEcto.View.Link
view "user_search" do
primary_sort :created_at, :desc
primary_sort :name
store_value [:email], :lz4
store_value [:first_name, :last_name], :none
link MyApp.Users, %Link{
includeAllFields: true,
fields: %{
name: %Link{
analyzers: [:text_en]
options [
primarySortCompression: :lz4
Querying is done exactly the same as a normal schema except the result will not be a struct.
iex> Repo.all(MyApp.UsersView)
[%{first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith"}, _]
You can find out more info in the ArangoXEcto.View
To query using the search function you can use the
functions. For example, if we wanted to search using the text
analyzer we could do the following.
import ArangoXEcto.Query
|> search([uv], fragment("ANALYZER(? == ?, \\"text_en\\")", uv.first_name, "John"))
|> Repo.all()