Archeometer.Analysis.Treemap (Archeometer v0.5.0)
Functions for generating different TreeMaps.
Link to this section Summary
Generates a treemap with the given options. Available metrics
Link to this section Functions
Link to this function
add_groups(t, list, ns_sep)
Link to this function
add_modules(t, list, ns_sep)
Link to this function
parents(module, ns_sep)
Link to this function
treemap(metric, opts \\ [])
Generates a treemap with the given options. Available metrics:
- size:
- functions:
- issues:
Available options:
- app: Application where the modules to consider belong (default: :none, it means to include all applications)
- namespace: Namespace of the desired modules (default: "*")
- db: Path to Database (default: archeometer_project_name.db)
- skip_tests: If skip testing modules or not (default: true)
iex> treemap(:size, ...> app: "jissai", ...> namespace: "Jissai.Reports.Attendance", ...> db: "test/resources/db/archeometer_jissai.db" ...> ) %Archeometer.Analysis.Treemap.Node{ kind: :group, metric: :size, name: "Jissai", nodes: [
kind: :group,
name: "Jissai.Reports",
nodes: [
kind: :leaf,
name: "Jissai.Reports.Attendance",
nodes: [],
pct: 100.0,
val: 21
pct: 100.0,
val: 21
], pct: 100, val: 21 }
Then it can be rendered as SVG with Treemap.SVGRender.render/1