View Source Ark.Ok (ark v0.9.0)

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Mapping while ok. Takes an enumerable and applies the given callback to all values of the enumerable as long as the callback returns {:ok, mapped_value}.

Wrapping ok.

Questionning ok.

Reducing while ok. Takes an enumerable, an initial value for the accumulator and a reducer function. Calls the reducer for each value in the enumerable as long as the reducer returns {:ok, new_acc}.

uok(value) deprecated

Unwrapping ok.

Unwrapping ok with raise.

wok is an alias of wrapping function :ok.

Unwrapping ok, raising custom exceptions.

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map_ok(Enumerable.t(), (term() -> {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()})) ::
  {:ok, list()} | {:error, term()}

Mapping while ok. Takes an enumerable and applies the given callback to all values of the enumerable as long as the callback returns {:ok, mapped_value}.

Stops when the callback returns {:error, term} and returns that tuple.

Returns {:error, {:bad_return, {callback, [item]}, returned_value}} if the callback does not return a result tuple.

Returns {:ok, mapped_values} or {:error, term}

Wrapping ok.

Converts a value to an :ok tuple, except when the value is:

  • the single atom :ok or an :ok tuple
  • the single atom :error or an :error tuple

Questionning ok.

Returns true if the value is an {:ok, val} tuple or the single atom :ok.

Returns false otherwise.

Link to this function

reduce_ok(enum, initial, f)

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  (term(), term() -> {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()})
) ::
  {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}

Reducing while ok. Takes an enumerable, an initial value for the accumulator and a reducer function. Calls the reducer for each value in the enumerable as long as the reducer returns {:ok, new_acc}.

Stops when the reducer returns {:error, term} and returns that tuple.

Returns {:error, {:bad_return, {reducer, [item, acc]}, returned_value}} if the reducer does not return a result tuple.

This function is deprecated. Match on the values or use the raising version uok!/1.

Unwrapping ok.

Unwraps an {:ok, val} tuple, giving only the value, returning anything else as-is. Does not unwrap {:error, ...} tuples.

This function should not be used as it leads to ambiguous code where errors are still wrapped in tuples but values are "naked". A case pattern matching on that type would be very unusual in Elixir/Erlang. Match on the original value or use uok!/1.

Unwrapping ok with raise.

Unwraps an {:ok, val} tuple, giving only the value, or returns the single :ok atom as-is. Raises with any other value.

wok is an alias of wrapping function :ok.

Unwrapping ok, raising custom exceptions.

Much like uok!/1 but if an :error 2-tuple contains any exception as the second element, that exception will be raised.

Other values will lead to a generic Ark.Ok.UnwrapError exception to be reaised.