Ash.Sort (ash v1.47.6) View Source

Utilities and types for sorting.


Keyset pagination cannot currently be used in conjunction with aggregate and calculation sorting. Combining them will result in an error on the query.

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A utility for parsing sorts provided from external input. Only allows sorting on public attributes and aggregates.

A utility for sorting a list of records at runtime.

Link to this section Types


sort_order() ::
  | :desc
  | :asc_nils_first
  | :asc_nils_last
  | :desc_nils_first
  | :desc_nils_last


t() :: [atom() | {atom(), sort_order()}]

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parse_input(resource, sort)

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  | [atom() | String.t() | {atom(), sort_order()} | [String.t()]]
  | nil
) :: t() | nil

A utility for parsing sorts provided from external input. Only allows sorting on public attributes and aggregates.

The supported formats are:

Sort Strings

A comma separated list of fields to sort on, each with an optional prefix.

The prefixes are:

  • "+" - Same as no prefix. Sorts :asc.
  • "++" - Sorts :asc_nils_first
  • "-" - Sorts :desc
  • "--" - Sorts :desc_nils_last

For example


A list of sort strings

Same prefix rules as above, but provided as a list.

For example:

["foo", "-bar", "++baz", "--buz"]

A standard Ash sort

Link to this function

parse_sort(resource, field)

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Link to this function

runtime_sort(results, sort)

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A utility for sorting a list of records at runtime.

For example:

Ash.Sort.runtime_sort([record1, record2, record3], name: :asc, type: :desc_nils_last)

Keep in mind that it is unrealistic to expect this runtime sort to always be exactly the same as a sort that may have been applied by your data layer. This is especially true for strings. For example, Postgres strings have a collation that affects their sorting, making it unpredictable from the perspective of a tool using the database: