View Source Ash.Flags (ash v2.14.18)

Feature flagging support for Ash internals.

These are macros so that they can be used at compile time to switch code paths.



Ensure that the feature flag is set to the expected value, otherwise an exception will be thrown at run time.

Should read actions use the new flow-based executor?

Ensure that the feature flag is set to the expected value, otherwise an exception will be thrown at run time.


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assert!(flag, expected)

View Source (macro)
@spec assert!(atom(), any()) :: Macro.t()

Ensure that the feature flag is set to the expected value, otherwise an exception will be thrown at run time.

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@spec read_uses_flow?() :: Macro.t()

Should read actions use the new flow-based executor?

Link to this macro

refute!(flag, expected)

View Source (macro)
@spec refute!(atom(), any()) :: Macro.t()

Ensure that the feature flag is set to the expected value, otherwise an exception will be thrown at run time.