View Source Ash.Resource.Info (ash v2.18.2)

Introspection for resources



Returns the action with the matching name and type on the resource

Returns all actions of a resource

Get an aggregate by name

Gets the type of an aggregate for a given resource.

Returns all aggregates of a resource

Get an attribute name from the resource

Returns all attributes of a resource

A list of authorizers to be used when accessing

The base filter of the resource

Get a calculation by name

Get an calculation interface by name from the resource

The list of code interface calculation definitions.

Returns all calculations of a resource

A list of all changes for the resource

A list of all changes for the resource for a given action type

The data layer of the resource, or nil if it does not have one

Returns the configured default actions

The default context of the resource

The Api to define the interface for, when defining it in the resource

The description of the resource

Whether or not the resource is an embedded resource

Get a field from a resource by name

Returns all attributes, aggregates, calculations and relationships of a resource

A list of identities for the resource

Get an identity by name from the resource

Get an interface by name from the resource

The list of code interface definitions.

Returns all attributes of a resource with lazy matching defaults

Returns all attributes of a resource with lazy non-matching-defaults

The multitenancy attribute for a resource

The MFA to parse the tenant from the attribute

The function to parse the tenant from the attribute

The multitenancy strategy for a resource

The template for creating the tenant name

A list of notifiers to be used when accessing

The plural_name of the resource

Returns the primary action of a given type

Returns the primary action of the given type

A list of field names corresponding to the primary key

Whether or not all primary key attributes can be compared with simple_equality

Get an aggregate by name

Returns all public aggregates of a resource

Get a public attribute name from the resource

Returns all public attributes of a resource

Get a public calculation by name

Returns all public calculations of a resource

Get a public field from a resource by name

Returns all public attributes, aggregates, calculations and relationships of a resource

Get a public relationship by name or path

Returns all public relationships of a resource

Get a relationship by name or path

Returns all relationships of a resource

The required belongs_to relationships

Whether or not a given module is a resource module

Retrieves a relationship path from the resource related by path, to the provided resource.

The short_name of the resource

A list of simple notifiers (require no DSL, used to avoid compile time dependencies)

Determine if a field is sortable by name

Returns all attributes of a resource with static defaults

The trace_name of the resource

A list of all validations for the resource

A list of all validations for the resource for a given action type


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action(resource, name, type \\ nil)

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Returns the action with the matching name and type on the resource

Returns all actions of a resource

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aggregate(resource, name)

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@spec aggregate(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), atom() | String.t()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Aggregate.t() | nil

Get an aggregate by name

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aggregate_type(resource, aggregate)

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@spec aggregate_type(
  Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(),
  Ash.Resource.Aggregate.t() | atom()
) ::
  {:ok, Ash.Type.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Gets the type of an aggregate for a given resource.

@spec aggregates(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [Ash.Resource.Aggregate.t()]

Returns all aggregates of a resource

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attribute(resource, name)

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@spec attribute(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), String.t() | atom()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Attribute.t() | nil

Get an attribute name from the resource

@spec attributes(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [Ash.Resource.Attribute.t()]

Returns all attributes of a resource

@spec authorizers(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [module()]

A list of authorizers to be used when accessing

@spec base_filter(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: term()

The base filter of the resource

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calculation(resource, name)

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@spec calculation(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), atom() | String.t()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Calculation.t() | nil

Get a calculation by name

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calculation_interface(resource, name)

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@spec calculation_interface(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), atom()) ::
  Ash.Resource.CalculationInterface.t() | nil

Get an calculation interface by name from the resource

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@spec calculation_interfaces(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [

The list of code interface calculation definitions.

@spec calculations(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [Ash.Resource.Calculation.t()]

Returns all calculations of a resource

A list of all changes for the resource

@spec changes(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), :create | :update | :destroy) :: [
  Ash.Resource.Validation.t() | Ash.Resource.Change.t()

A list of all changes for the resource for a given action type

@spec data_layer(Ash.Resource.t()) :: Ash.DataLayer.t() | nil

The data layer of the resource, or nil if it does not have one

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@spec default_actions(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [
  :create | :read | :update | :destroy

Returns the configured default actions

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@spec default_context(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: term()

The default context of the resource

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@spec define_interface_for(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: atom() | nil

The Api to define the interface for, when defining it in the resource

@spec description(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: String.t() | nil

The description of the resource

@spec embedded?(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: boolean()

Whether or not the resource is an embedded resource

Get a field from a resource by name

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fields(resource, types \\ [:attributes, :aggregates, :calculations, :relationships])

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@spec fields(
  Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(),
  types :: [:attributes | :aggregates | :calculations | :relationships]
) :: [
  | Ash.Resource.Aggregate.t()
  | Ash.Resource.Calculation.t()
  | Ash.Resource.Relationships.relationship()

Returns all attributes, aggregates, calculations and relationships of a resource

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get_metadata(record, key_or_path)

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This function is deprecated. Use `Ash.Resource.get_metadata/2` instead.

See Ash.Resource.get_metadata/2.

@spec identities(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [Ash.Resource.Identity.t()]

A list of identities for the resource

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identity(resource, name)

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@spec identity(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), atom()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Identity.t() | nil

Get an identity by name from the resource

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interface(resource, name)

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@spec interface(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), atom()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Interface.t() | nil

Get an interface by name from the resource

@spec interfaces(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [Ash.Resource.Interface.t()]

The list of code interface definitions.

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lazy_matching_default_attributes(resource, atom)

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@spec lazy_matching_default_attributes(
  Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(),
  type :: :create | :update
) :: [Ash.Resource.Attribute.t()]

Returns all attributes of a resource with lazy matching defaults

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lazy_non_matching_default_attributes(resource, atom)

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@spec lazy_non_matching_default_attributes(
  Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(),
  type :: :create | :update
) :: [Ash.Resource.Attribute.t()]

Returns all attributes of a resource with lazy non-matching-defaults

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@spec multitenancy_attribute(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: atom() | nil

The multitenancy attribute for a resource

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@spec multitenancy_global?(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: atom() | nil

The MFA to parse the tenant from the attribute

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@spec multitenancy_parse_attribute(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {atom(), atom(), [any()]}

The function to parse the tenant from the attribute

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@spec multitenancy_strategy(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  :context | :attribute | nil

The multitenancy strategy for a resource

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@spec multitenancy_template(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: atom() | nil

The template for creating the tenant name

@spec notifiers(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [module()]

A list of notifiers to be used when accessing

The plural_name of the resource

@spec preparations(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [Ash.Resource.Preparation.t()]
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primary_action(resource, type)

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Returns the primary action of a given type

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primary_action!(resource, type)

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Returns the primary action of the given type

@spec primary_key(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [atom()]

A list of field names corresponding to the primary key

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@spec primary_key_simple_equality?(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: boolean()

Whether or not all primary key attributes can be compared with simple_equality

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public_aggregate(resource, name)

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@spec public_aggregate(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), atom() | String.t()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Aggregate.t() | nil

Get an aggregate by name

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@spec public_aggregates(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [

Returns all public aggregates of a resource

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public_attribute(resource, name)

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@spec public_attribute(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), String.t() | atom()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Attribute.t() | nil

Get a public attribute name from the resource

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@spec public_attributes(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [

Returns all public attributes of a resource

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public_calculation(resource, name)

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@spec public_calculation(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), atom() | String.t()) ::
  Ash.Resource.Calculation.t() | nil

Get a public calculation by name

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@spec public_calculations(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [

Returns all public calculations of a resource

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public_field(resource, name)

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Get a public field from a resource by name

Returns all public attributes, aggregates, calculations and relationships of a resource

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public_relationship(resource, relationship_name)

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Get a public relationship by name or path

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@spec public_relationships(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [

Returns all public relationships of a resource

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put_metadata(record, key, term)

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This function is deprecated. Use `Ash.Resource.put_metadata/3` instead.

See Ash.Resource.put_metadata/3.

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related(resource, relationship)

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@spec related(
  Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(),
  atom() | String.t() | [atom() | String.t()]
) ::
  Ash.Resource.t() | nil
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relationship(resource, relationship_name)

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@spec relationship(
  Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(),
  atom() | String.t() | [atom() | String.t()]
) ::
  Ash.Resource.Relationships.relationship() | nil

Get a relationship by name or path

Returns all relationships of a resource

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The required belongs_to relationships

@spec resource?(module()) :: boolean()

Whether or not a given module is a resource module

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reverse_relationship(resource, path, acc \\ [])

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Retrieves a relationship path from the resource related by path, to the provided resource.

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selected?(record, field)

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This function is deprecated. Use `Ash.Resource.selected?/2` instead.

See Ash.Resource.selected?/2.

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set_metadata(record, map)

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This function is deprecated. Use `Ash.Resource.set_metadata/2` instead.

See Ash.Resource.set_metadata/2.

@spec short_name(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: atom() | nil

The short_name of the resource

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@spec simple_notifiers(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [module()]

A list of simple notifiers (require no DSL, used to avoid compile time dependencies)

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sortable?(resource, name, opts \\ [])

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@spec sortable?(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), String.t() | atom(),
  pagination_type: Ash.Page.type(),
  include_private?: boolean()
) :: boolean()

Determine if a field is sortable by name

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static_default_attributes(resource, atom)

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@spec static_default_attributes(
  Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(),
  type :: :create | :update
) :: [Ash.Resource.Attribute.t()]

Returns all attributes of a resource with static defaults

@spec trace_name(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: String.t() | nil

The trace_name of the resource

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unload(record, key_or_path)

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This function is deprecated. Use `Ash.Resource.unload/2` instead.

See Ash.Resource.unload/2.

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unload_many(record, loads)

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This function is deprecated. Use `Ash.Resource.unload_many/2` instead.

See Ash.Resource.unload_many/2.

@spec validations(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t()) :: [Ash.Resource.Validation.t()]

A list of all validations for the resource

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validations(resource, type)

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@spec validations(Spark.Dsl.t() | Ash.Resource.t(), :create | :update | :destroy) :: [

A list of all validations for the resource for a given action type