View Source Ash.PlugHelpers (ash v2.4.12)

Helpers for working with the Plug connection.

Link to this section Summary


Retrieves the actor from the Plug connection.

Retrieves the tenant from the Plug connection.

Sets the actor inside the Plug connection.

Sets the tenant inside the Plug connection.

Link to this section Functions

@spec get_actor(Plug.Conn.t()) :: nil | Ash.Resource.record()

Retrieves the actor from the Plug connection.

The actor is stored inside the connection's private fields.


Deprecation warning

This function checks to see if the actor is already set in the @actor assign, and if so will emit a deprecation warning.

This is to allow apps using the previous method a chance to update.

Rather than setting the actor in the assigns, please use the set_actor/2 method.



iex> actor = build_actor(%{email: "marty@1985.retro"})
...> conn = build_conn() |> put_private(:ash, %{actor: actor})
...> actor = get_actor(conn)
%{email: "marty@1985.retro"} = actor

iex> actor = build_actor(%{email: "marty@1985.retro"})
...> conn = build_conn() |> assign(:actor, actor)
...> actor = get_actor(conn)
%{email: "marty@1985.retro"} = actor
@spec get_tenant(Plug.Conn.t()) :: nil | Ash.Resource.record()

Retrieves the tenant from the Plug connection.

The tenant is stored inside the connection's private fields.


Deprecation warning

This function checks to see if the tenant is already set in the @tenant assign, and if so will emit a deprecation warning.

This is to allow apps using the previous method a chance to update.

Rather than setting the tenant in the assigns, please use the set_tenant/2 method.



iex> tenant = build_tenant(%{name: "Deliver-yesterday"})
...> conn = build_conn() |> put_private(:ash, %{tenant: tenant})
...> tenant = get_tenant(conn)
%{name: "Deliver-yesterday"} = tenant

iex> tenant = build_tenant(%{name: "Deliver-yesterday"})
...> conn = build_conn() |> assign(:tenant, tenant)
...> tenant = get_tenant(conn)
%{name: "Deliver-yesterday"} = tenant
@spec set_actor(Plug.Conn.t(), Ash.Resource.record()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Sets the actor inside the Plug connection.

The actor is stored inside the connection's private fields.



iex> actor = build_actor(%{email: "marty@1985.retro"})
...> conn = build_conn() |> set_actor(actor)
%Plug.Conn{private: %{ash: %{actor: %{email: "marty@1985.retro"}}}} = conn
Link to this function

set_tenant(conn, tenant)

View Source
@spec set_tenant(Plug.Conn.t(), Ash.Resource.record()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Sets the tenant inside the Plug connection.

The tenant is stored inside the connection's private fields.



iex> tenant = build_tenant(%{name: "Deliver-yesterday"})
...> conn = build_conn() |> set_tenant(tenant)
%Plug.Conn{private: %{ash: %{tenant: %{name: "Deliver-yesterday"}}}} = conn