View Source Ash.DataLayer behaviour (ash v3.0.10)

The behaviour for backing resource actions with persistence layers.



The data layer of the resource, or nil if it does not have one

Whether or not the data layer supports a specific feature

Custom functions supported by the data layer of the resource

Whether or not lateral joins should be used for many to many relationships by default

Rolls back the current transaction

Wraps the execution of the function in a transaction with the resource's data_layer


@type bulk_create_options() :: %{
  batch_size: pos_integer(),
  return_records?: boolean(),
  upsert?: boolean(),
  upsert_keys: nil | [atom()],
  select: [atom()],
    | [atom()]
    | :replace_all
    | {:replace, [atom()]}
    | {:replace_all_except, [atom()]},
  tenant: term()
@type bulk_update_options() :: %{
  return_records?: boolean(),
  calculations: [{Ash.Query.Calculation.t(), Ash.Expr.t()}],
  select: [atom()],
  tenant: term()
@type data_layer_query() :: struct()
@type feature() ::
  | :multitenancy
  | {:atomic, :update}
  | {:atomic, :upsert}
  | {:lateral_join, [Ash.Resource.t()]}
  | {:join, Ash.Resource.t()}
  | {:aggregate, Ash.Query.Aggregate.kind()}
  | {:aggregate_relationship, Ash.Resource.Relationships.relationship()}
  | {:query_aggregate, Ash.Query.Aggregate.kind()}
  | :select
  | :expr_error
  | :expression_calculation_sort
  | :aggregate_filter
  | :aggregate_sort
  | :boolean_filter
  | :async_engine
  | :bulk_create
  | :update_query
  | :destroy_query
  | :create
  | :read
  | :update
  | :destroy
  | :limit
  | :offset
  | :transact
  | :filter
  | :composite_type
  | {:lock, lock_type()}
  | {:filter_expr, struct()}
  | {:filter_relationship, Ash.Resource.Relationships.relationship()}
  | :sort
  | {:sort, Ash.Type.t()}
  | :upsert
  | :composite_primary_key
@type lateral_join_link() ::
  {Ash.Resource.t(), atom(), atom(), Ash.Resource.Relationships.relationship()}
@type lock_type() :: :for_update | term()
@type t() :: module()
@type transaction_reason() ::
    :type => :create,
    :metadata => %{resource: Ash.Resource.t(), action: atom()},
    optional(:data_layer_context) => %{}
  | %{
      :type => :update,
      :metadata => %{
        resource: Ash.Resource.t(),
        action: atom(),
        record: Ash.Resource.record(),
        actor: term()
      optional(:data_layer_context) => %{}
  | %{
      :type => :destroy,
      :metadata => %{
        resource: Ash.Resource.t(),
        action: atom(),
        record: Ash.Resource.record(),
        actor: term()
      optional(:data_layer_context) => %{}
  | %{
      :type => :read,
      :metadata => %{
        resource: Ash.Resource.t(),
        query: Ash.Query.t(),
        actor: term()
      optional(:data_layer_context) => %{}
  | %{
      :type => :flow_transaction,
      :metadata => %{
        resource: Ash.Resource.t(),
        input: Ash.ActionInput.t(),
        action: atom(),
        actor: term()
      optional(:data_layer_context) => %{}
  | %{
      :type => :generic,
      :metadata => %{
        step_name: atom() | [term()],
        flow: module(),
        actor: term()
      optional(:data_layer_context) => %{}
  | %{type: :custom, metadata: map()}
  | %{type: atom(), metadata: map()}


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add_aggregate(data_layer_query, t, t)

View Source (optional)
@callback add_aggregate(
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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add_aggregates(data_layer_query, list, t)

View Source (optional)
@callback add_aggregates(
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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add_calculation(data_layer_query, t, expression, t)

View Source (optional)
@callback add_calculation(
  expression :: any(),
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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add_calculations(data_layer_query, list, t)

View Source (optional)
@callback add_calculations(
  [{Ash.Query.Calculation.t(), expression :: any()}],
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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bulk_create(t, t, options)

View Source (optional)
@callback bulk_create(
  options :: bulk_create_options()
) ::
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(Ash.Resource.record())}
  | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, Ash.Error.t()}
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calculate(t, list, context)

View Source (optional)
@callback calculate(Ash.Resource.t(), [Ash.Expr.t()], context :: map()) ::
  {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}
@callback can?(Ash.Resource.t() | Spark.Dsl.t(), feature()) :: boolean()
@callback create(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t()) ::
  {:ok, Ash.Resource.record()}
  | {:error, term()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}
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destroy(t, t)

View Source (optional)
@callback destroy(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}
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destroy_query(data_layer_query, t, t, opts)

View Source (optional)
@callback destroy_query(
  opts :: bulk_update_options()
) ::
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(Ash.Resource.record())}
  | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, Ash.Error.t()}
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distinct(data_layer_query, list, resource)

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@callback distinct(data_layer_query(), [atom()], resource :: Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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distinct_sort(data_layer_query, t, resource)

View Source (optional)
@callback distinct_sort(data_layer_query(), Ash.Sort.t(), resource :: Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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filter(data_layer_query, t, resource)

View Source (optional)
@callback filter(data_layer_query(), Ash.Filter.t(), resource :: Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
@callback functions(Ash.Resource.t()) :: [module()]
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View Source (optional)
@callback in_transaction?(Ash.Resource.t()) :: boolean()
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limit(data_layer_query, limit, resource)

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@callback limit(
  limit :: non_neg_integer(),
  resource :: Ash.Resource.t()
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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lock(data_layer_query, lock_type, resource)

View Source (optional)
@callback lock(data_layer_query(), lock_type(), resource :: Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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offset(data_layer_query, offset, resource)

View Source (optional)
@callback offset(
  offset :: non_neg_integer(),
  resource :: Ash.Resource.t()
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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View Source (optional)
@callback prefer_lateral_join_for_many_to_many?() :: boolean()
@callback resource_to_query(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Domain.t()) :: data_layer_query()
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return_query(data_layer_query, t)

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@callback return_query(data_layer_query(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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rollback(t, term)

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@callback rollback(Ash.Resource.t(), term()) :: no_return()
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run_aggregate_query(data_layer_query, list, t)

View Source (optional)
@callback run_aggregate_query(
) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, term()}
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run_aggregate_query_with_lateral_join(data_layer_query, list, list, destination_resource, list)

View Source (optional)
@callback run_aggregate_query_with_lateral_join(
  destination_resource :: Ash.Resource.t(),
) :: {:ok, [Ash.Resource.t()]} | {:error, term()}
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run_query(data_layer_query, t)

View Source (optional)
@callback run_query(data_layer_query(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, [Ash.Resource.record()]}
  | {:error, term()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}
Link to this callback

run_query_with_lateral_join(data_layer_query, list, source_resource, list)

View Source (optional)
@callback run_query_with_lateral_join(
  source_resource :: Ash.Resource.t(),
) :: {:ok, [Ash.Resource.record()]} | {:error, term()}
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select(data_layer_query, select, resource)

View Source (optional)
@callback select(
  select :: [atom()],
  resource :: Ash.Resource.t()
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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set_context(t, data_layer_query, map)

View Source (optional)
@callback set_context(Ash.Resource.t(), data_layer_query(), map()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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set_tenant(t, data_layer_query, term)

View Source (optional)
@callback set_tenant(Ash.Resource.t(), data_layer_query(), term()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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sort(data_layer_query, t, resource)

View Source (optional)
@callback sort(data_layer_query(), Ash.Sort.t(), resource :: Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
@callback source(Ash.Resource.t()) :: String.t()
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transaction(t, function, arg3, reason)

View Source (optional)
@callback transaction(
  (-> term()),
  nil | pos_integer(),
  reason :: transaction_reason()
) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}
Link to this callback


View Source (optional)
@callback transform_query(Ash.Query.t()) :: Ash.Query.t()
@callback update(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t()) ::
  {:ok, Ash.Resource.record()}
  | {:error, term()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}
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update_query(data_layer_query, t, t, opts)

View Source (optional)
@callback update_query(
  opts :: bulk_update_options()
) ::
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(Ash.Resource.record())}
  | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, Ash.Error.t()}
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upsert(t, t, list)

View Source (optional)
@callback upsert(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t(), [atom()]) ::
  {:ok, Ash.Resource.record()}
  | {:error, term()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}


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add_aggregates(query, aggregates, resource)

View Source
@spec add_aggregates(data_layer_query(), [Ash.Query.Aggregate.t()], Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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add_calculations(query, calculations, resource)

View Source
@spec add_calculations(
  [{Ash.Query.Calculation.t(), expression :: term()}],
) :: {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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bulk_create(resource, changesets, options)

View Source
@spec bulk_create(
  options :: bulk_create_options()
) ::
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(Ash.Resource.record())}
  | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, Ash.Error.t()}
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calculate(resource, exprs, context)

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@spec calculate(Ash.Resource.t(), [Ash.Expr.t()], context :: map()) ::
  {:ok, [term()]} | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}
@spec can?(feature(), Ash.Resource.t() | Spark.Dsl.t()) :: boolean()
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create(resource, changeset)

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@spec create(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t()) ::
  {:ok, Ash.Resource.record()}
  | {:error, term()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}
@spec data_layer(Ash.Resource.t() | Spark.Dsl.t()) :: t() | nil

The data layer of the resource, or nil if it does not have one

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data_layer_can?(resource, feature)

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@spec data_layer_can?(Ash.Resource.t() | Spark.Dsl.t(), feature()) :: boolean()

Whether or not the data layer supports a specific feature

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@spec data_layer_functions(Ash.Resource.t()) :: map()

Custom functions supported by the data layer of the resource

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destroy(resource, changeset)

View Source
@spec destroy(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, term()} | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}
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destroy_query(query, changeset, opts)

View Source
@spec destroy_query(
  opts :: bulk_update_options()
) ::
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(Ash.Resource.record())}
  | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, Ash.Error.t()}
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distinct(query, distinct, resource)

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@spec distinct(data_layer_query(), Ash.Sort.t(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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distinct_sort(query, sort, resource)

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@spec distinct_sort(data_layer_query(), Ash.Sort.t(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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filter(query, filter, resource)

View Source
@spec filter(data_layer_query(), Ash.Filter.t(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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limit(query, limit, resource)

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@spec limit(data_layer_query(), limit :: non_neg_integer(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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lock(query, lock_type, resource)

View Source
@spec lock(
  lock_type :: lock_type() | nil,
  resource :: Ash.Resource.t()
) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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offset(query, offset, resource)

View Source
@spec offset(data_layer_query(), offset :: non_neg_integer(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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View Source
@spec prefer_lateral_join_for_many_to_many?(t()) :: boolean()

Whether or not lateral joins should be used for many to many relationships by default

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resource_to_query(resource, domain)

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@spec resource_to_query(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Domain.t()) :: data_layer_query()
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return_query(query, resource)

View Source
@spec return_query(data_layer_query(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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rollback(resource, term)

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@spec rollback(Ash.Resource.t() | [Ash.Resource.t()], term()) :: no_return()

Rolls back the current transaction

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run_aggregate_query(query, aggregates, resource)

View Source
@spec run_aggregate_query(
) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, term()}
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run_aggregate_query_with_lateral_join(query, aggregates, root_data, destination_resource, path)

View Source
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run_query(query, central_resource)

View Source
@spec run_query(data_layer_query(), central_resource :: Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, [Ash.Resource.record()]}
  | {:error, term()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}
Link to this function

run_query_with_lateral_join(query, root_data, destination_resource, path)

View Source
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select(query, select, resource)

View Source
@spec select(data_layer_query(), select :: [atom()], Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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set_context(resource, query, map)

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@spec set_context(Ash.Resource.t(), data_layer_query(), map()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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set_tenant(resource, query, term)

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@spec set_tenant(Ash.Resource.t(), data_layer_query(), String.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
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sort(query, sort, resource)

View Source
@spec sort(data_layer_query(), Ash.Sort.t(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, data_layer_query()} | {:error, term()}
@spec source(Ash.Resource.t()) :: String.t()
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transaction(resource_or_resources, func, timeout \\ nil, reason \\ %{type: :custom, metadata: %{}})

View Source
@spec transaction(
  Ash.Resource.t() | [Ash.Resource.t()],
  (-> term()),
  nil | pos_integer(),
  reason :: transaction_reason()
) :: term()

Wraps the execution of the function in a transaction with the resource's data_layer

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update(resource, changeset)

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@spec update(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t()) ::
  {:ok, Ash.Resource.record()}
  | {:error, term()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, term()}
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update_query(query, changeset, opts)

View Source
@spec update_query(
  opts :: bulk_update_options()
) ::
  | {:ok, Enumerable.t(Ash.Resource.record())}
  | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}
  | {:error, :no_rollback, Ash.Error.t()}
Link to this function

upsert(resource, changeset, keys)

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@spec upsert(Ash.Resource.t(), Ash.Changeset.t(), [atom()]) ::
  {:ok, Ash.Resource.record()} | {:error, term()}