View Source Ash.Expr (ash v3.4.21)

Tools to build Ash expressions



A template helper for using actor values in filter templates

A template helper for using action arguments in filter templates

A template helper for referring to the most recent atomic expression applied to an update field

A template helper for using query context in filter templates

Evaluate an expression. This function only works if you have no references, or if you provide the record option.

Evaluate an expression. See eval/2 for more.

Returns true if the value is or contains an expression

A template helper for creating a parent reference

A template helper for creating a reference

A template helper for creating a reference to a related path

Whether or not a given template contains an actor reference



A template helper for using actor values in filter templates

A template helper for using action arguments in filter templates

A template helper for referring to the most recent atomic expression applied to an update field

A template helper for using query context in filter templates

An atom will get the value for a key, and a list will be accessed via get_in.

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determine_types(mod, args, returns \\ nil)

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eval(expression, opts \\ [])

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Evaluate an expression. This function only works if you have no references, or if you provide the record option.

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eval!(expression, opts \\ [])

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Evaluate an expression. See eval/2 for more.

@spec expr(Macro.t()) :: t()
@spec expr?(term()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the value is or contains an expression

Link to this macro

or_where(left, right)

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@spec or_where(Macro.t(), Macro.t()) :: t()

A template helper for creating a parent reference

A template helper for creating a reference

A template helper for creating a reference to a related path

Link to this function

template_references?(list, pred)

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Whether or not a given template contains an actor reference

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Link to this macro

where(left, right)

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@spec where(Macro.t(), Macro.t()) :: t()