View Source mix ash.gen.resource (ash v3.4.21)

Generate and configure an Ash.Resource.

If the domain does not exist, we create it. If it does, we add the resource to it if it is not already present.


mix ash.gen.resource Helpdesk.Support.Ticket \
  --default-actions read \
  --uuid-primary-key id \
  --attribute subject:string:required:public \
  --relationship belongs_to:representative:Helpdesk.Support.Representative \
  --timestamps \
  --extend postgres,graphql


  • --attribute or -a - An attribute or comma separated list of attributes to add, as name:type. Modifiers: primary_key, public, sensitive, and required. i.e -a name:string:required
  • --relationship or -r - A relationship or comma separated list of relationships to add, as type:name:dest. Modifiers: public. belongs_to only modifiers: primary_key, sensitive, and required. i.e -r belongs_to:author:MyApp.Accounts.Author:required
  • --default-actions or -da - A csv list of default action types to add, i.e -da read,create. The create and update actions accept the public attributes being added.
  • --uuid-primary-key or -u - Adds a UUIDv4 primary key with that name. i.e -u id
  • --uuid-v7-primary-key or -u7 - Adds a UUIDv7 primary key with that name. i.e -u7 id
  • --integer-primary-key or -i - Adds an integer primary key with that name. i.e -i id
  • --domain or -d - The domain module to add the resource to. i.e -d MyApp.MyDomain. This defaults to the resource's module name, minus the last segment.
  • --extend or -e - A comma separated list of modules or builtins to extend the resource with. i.e -e postgres,Some.Extension
  • --base or -b - The base module to use for the resource. i.e -b Ash.Resource. Requires that the module is in config :your_app, :base_resources
  • --timestamps or -t - If set adds inserted_at and updated_at timestamps to the resource.