View Source Ash.UUIDv7 (ash v3.4.28)

Helpers for working with UUIDs version 7.

RFC 9562

Used for generating UUIDs version 7 with increased clock precision for better monotonicity, as described by method 3 of the [Section 6.2](

Inspired by the work of Ryan Winchester on uuidv7


iex> UUIDv7.generate()

iex> UUIDv7.bingenerate()
<<1, 142, 144, 216, 6, 232, 127, 159, 191, 215, 103, 48, 186, 152, 165, 27>>



A raw binary representation of a UUID.


A hex-encoded UUID string.


Generates a version 7 UUID in the binary format.

Decode a string representation of a UUID to the raw binary version.

Encode a raw UUID to the string representation.

Extract the millisecond timestamp from the UUID.

Generates a version 7 UUID using submilliseconds for increased clock precision.


@type raw() :: <<_::128>>

A raw binary representation of a UUID.

@type t() :: <<_::288>>

A hex-encoded UUID string.


@spec bingenerate() :: raw()

Generates a version 7 UUID in the binary format.


iex> UUIDv7.bingenerate()
<<1, 142, 144, 216, 6, 232, 127, 159, 191, 215, 103, 48, 186, 152, 165, 27>>
@spec decode(t() | raw()) :: raw() | :error

Decode a string representation of a UUID to the raw binary version.


iex> UUIDv7.decode("018e90d8-06e8-7f9f-bfd7-6730ba98a51b")
<<1, 142, 144, 216, 6, 232, 127, 159, 191, 215, 103, 48, 186, 152, 165, 27>>
@spec encode(t() | raw()) :: t() | :error

Encode a raw UUID to the string representation.


iex> UUIDv7.encode(<<1, 142, 144, 216, 6, 232, 127, 159, 191, 215, 103, 48, 186, 152, 165, 27>>)
@spec extract_timestamp(t() | raw()) :: integer()

Extract the millisecond timestamp from the UUID.


iex> UUIDv7.extract_timestamp("018ecb40-c457-73e6-a400-000398daddd9")
@spec generate() :: t()

Generates a version 7 UUID using submilliseconds for increased clock precision.


iex> UUIDv7.generate()