View Source Ash.Filter.Runtime (ash v3.4.31)

Checks a record to see if it matches a filter statement.

We can't always tell if a record matches a filter statement, and as such this function may return :unknown. Additionally, some expressions wouldn't ever make sense outside of the context of the data layer, and will always be an error. For example, if you used the trigram search features in ash_postgres. That logic would need to be handwritten in Elixir and would need to be a perfect copy of the postgres implementation. That isn't a realistic goal. This generally should not affect anyone using the standard framework features, but if you were to attempt to use this module with a data layer like ash_postgres, certain expressions will behave unpredictably.



Removes any records that don't match the filter. Automatically loads if necessary. If there are any ambiguous terms in the filter (e.g things that could only be determined by data layer), it is assumed that they are not matches.


Link to this function

filter_matches(domain, records, filter, opts \\ [])

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Removes any records that don't match the filter. Automatically loads if necessary. If there are any ambiguous terms in the filter (e.g things that could only be determined by data layer), it is assumed that they are not matches.

Link to this function

old_get_related(records, list, unknown_on_unknown_refs?, join_filters, parent_stack, domain)

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