View Source Ash.Policy.Check.RelatingToActor (ash v3.4.8)

This check is true when the specified relationship is being changed to the current actor.



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auto_filter(actor, authorizer, opts)

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.Check.auto_filter/3.

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auto_filter_not(actor, authorizer, opts)

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check(actor, data, authorizer, opts)

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.Check.check/4.

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expand_description(actor, authorizer, opts)

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.Check.expand_description/3.

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.Check.prefer_expanded_description?/0.

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reject(actor, authorizer, opts)

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.FilterCheck.reject/3.

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requires_original_data?(_, _)

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.Check.requires_original_data?/2.

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strict_check(actor, authorizer, opts)

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.Check.strict_check/3.

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Callback implementation for Ash.Policy.Check.type/0.