View Source Ash.Resource.Igniter (ash v3.4.8)

Codemods for working with Ash.Resource modules



Adds the given code block to the resource's actions block

Adds the given code block to the resource's attributes block

Adds a bypass to the top of the resource's policies block

Adds a policy to the bottom of the resource's policies block

Gets the domain from the given resource module

List all resource modules found in the project


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add_action(igniter, resource, action)

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Adds the given code block to the resource's actions block

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add_attribute(igniter, resource, attribute)

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Adds the given code block to the resource's attributes block

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add_bypass(igniter, resource, condition, body)

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Adds a bypass to the top of the resource's policies block

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add_policy(igniter, resource, condition, body)

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Adds a policy to the bottom of the resource's policies block

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domain(igniter, resource)

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@spec domain(Igniter.t(), Ash.Resource.t()) ::
  {:ok, Igniter.t(), Ash.Domain.t()} | {:error, Igniter.t()}

Gets the domain from the given resource module

List all resource modules found in the project