View Source AshAdmin.CoreComponents (ash_admin v0.11.9)

Provides core UI components.

At the first glance, this module may seem daunting, but its goal is to provide some core building blocks in your application, such as modals, tables, and forms. The components are mostly markup and well documented with doc strings and declarative assigns. You may customize and style them in any way you want, based on your application growth and needs.

The default components use Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework. See the Tailwind CSS documentation to learn how to customize them or feel free to swap in another framework altogether.

Icons are provided by heroicons. See icon/1 for usage.



Renders a back navigation link.

Renders a button.

Generates a generic error message.

Renders flash notices.

Shows the flash group with standard titles and content.

Renders a header with title.

Renders a Heroicon.

Renders an input with label and error messages.

Renders a label.

Renders a data list.

Renders a modal.

Renders a simple form.

Renders a table with generic styling.

Translates an error message using gettext.

Translates the errors for a field from a keyword list of errors.


Renders a back navigation link.


<.back navigate={~p"/posts"}>Back to posts</.back>


  • navigate (:any) (required)


  • inner_block (required)

Renders a button.


<.button phx-click="go" class="ml-2">Send!</.button>


  • type (:string) - Defaults to nil.
  • class (:string) - Defaults to nil.
  • Global attributes are accepted. Supports all globals plus: ["disabled", "form", "name", "value"].


  • inner_block (required)

Generates a generic error message.


  • inner_block (required)

Renders flash notices.


<.flash kind={:info} flash={@flash} />
<.flash kind={:info} phx-mounted={show("#flash")}>Welcome Back!</.flash>


  • id (:string) - the optional id of flash container. Defaults to "flash".
  • flash (:map) - the map of flash messages to display. Defaults to %{}.
  • title (:string) - Defaults to nil.
  • kind (:atom) - used for styling and flash lookup.Must be one of :info, or :error.
  • Global attributes are accepted. the arbitrary HTML attributes to add to the flash container.


  • inner_block - the optional inner block that renders the flash message.

Shows the flash group with standard titles and content.


<.flash_group flash={@flash} />


  • flash (:map) (required) - the map of flash messages.

Renders a header with title.


  • class (:string) - Defaults to nil.


  • inner_block (required)
  • subtitle
  • actions
Link to this function

hide(js \\ %JS{}, selector)

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Link to this function

hide_modal(js \\ %JS{}, id)

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Renders a Heroicon.

Heroicons come in three styles – outline, solid, and mini. By default, the outline style is used, but solid and mini may be applied by using the -solid and -mini suffix.

You can customize the size and colors of the icons by setting width, height, and background color classes.

Icons are extracted from your assets/vendor/heroicons directory and bundled within your compiled app.css by the plugin in your assets/tailwind.config.js.


<.icon name="hero-x-mark-solid" />
<.icon name="hero-arrow-path" class="ml-1 w-3 h-3 animate-spin" />


  • name (:string) (required)
  • class (:string) - Defaults to nil.

Renders an input with label and error messages.

A Phoenix.HTML.FormField may be passed as argument, which is used to retrieve the input name, id, and values. Otherwise all attributes may be passed explicitly.


This function accepts all HTML input types, considering that:

  • You may also set type="select" to render a <select> tag

  • type="checkbox" is used exclusively to render boolean values

  • For live file uploads, see Phoenix.Component.live_file_input/1

See for more information.


<.input field={@form[:email]} type="email" />
<.input name="my-input" errors={["oh no!"]} />


  • id (:any) - Defaults to nil.
  • name (:any)
  • label (:string) - Defaults to nil.
  • value (:any)
  • type (:string) - Defaults to "text".
  • field (Phoenix.HTML.FormField) - a form field struct retrieved from the form, for example: @form[:email].
  • errors (:list) - Defaults to [].
  • checked (:boolean) - the checked flag for checkbox inputs.
  • prompt (:string) - the prompt for select inputs. Defaults to nil.
  • options (:list) - the options to pass to Phoenix.HTML.Form.options_for_select/2.
  • multiple (:boolean) - the multiple flag for select inputs. Defaults to false.
  • Global attributes are accepted. Supports all globals plus: ["accept", "autocomplete", "capture", "cols", "disabled", "form", "list", "max", "maxlength", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "pattern", "placeholder", "readonly", "required", "rows", "size", "step"].


  • inner_block

Renders a label.


  • for (:string) - Defaults to nil.


  • inner_block (required)

Renders a data list.


  <:item title="Title"><%= @post.title %></:item>
  <:item title="Views"><%= @post.views %></:item>


  • item (required) - Accepts attributes:
    • title (:string) (required)

Renders a modal.


<.modal id="confirm-modal">
  This is a modal.

JS commands may be passed to the :on_cancel to configure the closing/cancel event, for example:

<.modal id="confirm" on_cancel={JS.navigate(~p"/posts")}>
  This is another modal.


  • id (:string) (required)
  • show (:boolean) - Defaults to false.
  • on_cancel (Phoenix.LiveView.JS) - Defaults to %Phoenix.LiveView.JS{ops: []}.


  • inner_block (required)
Link to this function

show(js \\ %JS{}, selector)

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Link to this function

show_modal(js \\ %JS{}, id)

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Renders a simple form.


<.simple_form for={@form} phx-change="validate" phx-submit="save">
  <.input field={@form[:email]} label="Email"/>
  <.input field={@form[:username]} label="Username" />


  • for (:any) (required) - the datastructure for the form.
  • as (:any) - the server side parameter to collect all input under. Defaults to nil.
  • Global attributes are accepted. the arbitrary HTML attributes to apply to the form tag. Supports all globals plus: ["autocomplete", "name", "rel", "action", "enctype", "method", "novalidate", "target", "multipart"].


  • inner_block (required)
  • actions - the slot for form actions, such as a submit button.

Renders a table with generic styling.


<.table id="users" rows={@users}>
  <:col :let={user} label="id"><%= %></:col>
  <:col :let={user} label="username"><%= user.username %></:col>


  • id (:string) (required)
  • rows (:list) (required)
  • row_id (:any) - the function for generating the row id. Defaults to nil.
  • row_click (:any) - the function for handling phx-click on each row. Defaults to nil.
  • row_item (:any) - the function for mapping each row before calling the :col and :action slots. Defaults to &Function.identity/1.


  • col (required) - Accepts attributes:
    • label (:string)
  • action - the slot for showing user actions in the last table column.

Translates an error message using gettext.

Link to this function

translate_errors(errors, field)

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Translates the errors for a field from a keyword list of errors.