View Source AshAuthentication.Jwt (ash_authentication v4.2.0)

Uses the excellent joken hex package to generate and sign Json Web Tokens.


There are a few things we need to know in order to generate and sign a JWT:

  • signing_algorithm - the crypographic algorithm used to to sign tokens.
  • token_lifetime - how long the token is valid for (in hours).
  • signing_secret - the secret key used to sign the tokens.

These can be configured in your resource's token DSL:

defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  # ...

  authentication do
    tokens do
      token_lifetime 32
      signing_secret fn _, _ ->

  # ...

The signing secret is retrieved using the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, which means that it can be retrieved one of three ways:

  1. As a string directly in your resource DSL (please don't do this unless you know why this is a bad idea!), or
  2. a two-arity anonymous function which returns {:ok, secret}, or
  3. the name of a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour.

Available signing algorithms are EdDSA, Ed448ph, Ed448, Ed25519ph, Ed25519, PS512, PS384, PS256, ES512, ES384, ES256, RS512, RS384, RS256, HS512, HS384 or HS256. Defaults to HS256.

We strongly advise against storing the signing secret in your mix config or directly in your resource configuration. We instead suggest you make use of runtime.exs and read it from the system environment or other secret store.

The default token lifetime is 168 and should be specified in integer positive hours.



"claims" are the decoded contents of a JWT. A map of (short) string keys to string values.

A string likely to contain a valid JWT.


The default signing algorithm

The default token lifetime

Given a token, read it's claims without validating.

Supported signing algorithms

Given a user, generate a signed JWT for use while authenticating.

Given a token, find a matching resource configuration.

Given a token, verify it's signature and validate it's claims.


@type claims() :: %{
  required(String.t()) => String.t() | number() | boolean() | claims()

"claims" are the decoded contents of a JWT. A map of (short) string keys to string values.

@type token() :: String.t()

A string likely to contain a valid JWT.


@spec default_algorithm() :: String.t()

The default signing algorithm

@spec default_lifetime_hrs() :: pos_integer()

The default token lifetime

@spec peek(token()) :: {:ok, claims()} | {:error, any()}

Given a token, read it's claims without validating.

@spec supported_algorithms() :: [String.t()]

Supported signing algorithms

Link to this function

token_for_user(user, extra_claims \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

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@spec token_for_user(
  extra_claims :: map(),
  options :: keyword()
) ::
  {:ok, token(), claims()} | :error

Given a user, generate a signed JWT for use while authenticating.

Link to this function

token_to_resource(token, otp_app)

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@spec token_to_resource(token(), module()) :: {:ok, Ash.Resource.t()} | :error

Given a token, find a matching resource configuration.


This function does not validate the token, so don't rely on it for authentication or authorisation.

Link to this function

verify(token, otp_app_or_resource)

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@spec verify(token(), Ash.Resource.t() | atom()) ::
  {:ok, claims(), Ash.Resource.t()} | :error

Given a token, verify it's signature and validate it's claims.