View Source AshAuthentication.Phoenix.LiveSession (ash_authentication_phoenix v2.0.1)

Ensures that any loaded users which are present in a conn's assigns are also present in a live view socket's assigns.

Typical usage is via the ash_authentication_live_session/2 macro, but can also manually called like so:

scope "/", ExampleWeb do

  live_session :authenticated, on_mount: LiveSession, session: {LiveSession, :generate_session, []} do
    live "/", ExampleLive



Generate a live session wherein all subject assigns are copied from the conn into the socket.

Supplements the session with any current_X assigns which are authenticated resource records from the conn.

Inspects the incoming session for any subject_name -> subject values and loads them into the socket's assigns.


Link to this macro

ash_authentication_live_session(session_name \\ :ash_authentication, opts \\ [], list)

View Source (macro)

Generate a live session wherein all subject assigns are copied from the conn into the socket.


  • :otp_app - Set the otp app in which to search for authenticated resources.

All other options are passed through to live_session, but with session and on_mount hooks added to set assigns for authenticated resources. Unlike live_session, this supports multiple MFAs provided for the session option. The produced sessions will be merged.

Link to this function

generate_session(conn, otp_app \\ nil, additional_hooks \\ [])

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@spec generate_session(Plug.Conn.t(), atom() | [atom()], additional_hooks :: [mfa()]) ::
    required(String.t()) => String.t()

Supplements the session with any current_X assigns which are authenticated resource records from the conn.

Link to this function

on_mount(arg1, params, session, socket)

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@spec on_mount(
  atom() | {:set_otp_app, atom()},
  %{required(String.t()) => any()},
  %{required(String.t()) => any()},
) :: {:cont | :halt, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}

Inspects the incoming session for any subject_name -> subject values and loads them into the socket's assigns.

For example a session containing {"user", "user?id=aa6c179c-ee75-4d49-8796-528c2981b396"} becomes an assign called current_user with the loaded user as the value.