View Source DSL: AshGraphql.Api

The entrypoint for adding graphql behavior to an Ash API


Global configuration for graphql


graphql do
  authorize? false # To skip authorization for this API


Name Type Default Docs
authorize? boolean true Whether or not to perform authorization for this API
tracer atom A tracer to use to trace execution in the graphql. Will use `config :ash, :tracer` if it is set.
root_level_errors? boolean false By default, mutation errors are shown in their result object's errors key, but this setting places those errors in the top level errors list
error_handler mfa {AshGraphql.DefaultErrorHandler, :handle_error, []} Set an MFA to intercept/handle any errors that are generated.
show_raised_errors? boolean false For security purposes, if an error is *raised* then Ash simply shows a generic error. If you want to show those errors, set this to true.
debug? boolean false Whether or not to log (extremely verbose) debug information