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Ash resource extension for implementing Jason.Encoder protocol.


Add to the deps:

def deps do
    {:ash_jason, "~> 2.0.0"},


Add AshJason.Resource to extensions list within use Ash.Resource options:

defmodule Example.Resource do
  use Ash.Resource,
    extensions: [AshJason.Resource]


Producing json object can have multiple steps:

  • Picking keys from a record.
  • Merging some values.
  • Renaming keys.
  • Ordering keys.
  • Customizing a result with a function.

By default only the picking step happens and it takes all non-private non-sensitive fields (attributes, relationships, aggregates, calculations) with loaded non-nil values from a record.

For adding and configuring those steps there is an optional jason dsl section:

defmodule Example.Resource do
  use Ash.Resource,
    extensions: [AshJason.Resource]

  jason do
    # options

All optional steps can be specified multiple times and are applied in the order they were defined in.

A result object on which those steps operate is a key-value list - not map, not keyword list.

  • Unlike map the order is stable and guaranteed.
  • Unlike keyword list it can have string keys.


Keys to pick from a record and include in the result. Accepts a fixed explicit list of keys or a map with a configuration of default behaviour.

Values of nil/Ash.NotLoaded/Ash.ForbiddenField are omitted.

Map can have such options as:

  • private? - Whenever to pick private fields.
  • sensitive? - Whenever to pick sensitive fields.
  • include - Keys to pick. In addition to fields.
  • exclude - Keys not to pick.
jason do
  # Pick only those listed keys
  pick [:only_some_field]

  # Pick non-sensitive fields
  pick %{private?: true}

  # Pick non-private fields
  pick %{sensitive?: true}

  # Pick all fields
  pick %{private?: true, sensitive?: true}

  # Pick usual but include and exclude some specific keys
  pick %{include: [:ok_private_field], exclude: [:irrelevant_public_field]}


A step to merge values into a result. Accepts a map or a tuples list.

Map has no guarantees about keys order so if you care about that prefer the list form.

jason do
  # Merge with map
  merge %{key: "value"}

  # Merge with list
  merge key: "value"


A step to rename keys in a result. Accepts a map, a tuples list or a function for mapping.

jason do
  # Rename with map
  rename %{from_key: "to_key"}

  # Rename with list
  rename from_key: "to_key"

  # Rename with a function
  rename fn name -> String.capitalize(to_string(name)) end


A step to reorder keys in a result. Accepts a boolean, a sort function or a list of keys in a desired order.

If it is a list then it also acts as a filter and removes keys not present in that list.

jason do
  # Order with standard `Enum.sort`
  order true

  # Order with a custom sort function
  order fn keys -> Enum.sort(keys, :desc) end

  # Order in accordance with a list
  order [:only, :these, :keys, :in, :that, "order"]


A step to arbitrary customize a result. Accepts a function that will get a result and a resource record as arguments and return a modifed result.

As mentioned above a result has a form of a list with two elements, key and value, tuples. To work with it you might want to use List methods like List.keytake or List.keystore.

jason do
  customize fn result, _record ->
    result |> List.keystore(:custom_key, 0, {:custom_key, "custom_value"})

Jason docs.