View Source AshJsonApi.Api (ash_json_api v0.33.0)

The entrypoint for adding JSON:API behavior to an Ash API

Table of Contents



Global configuration for JSON:API


json_api do
  prefix "/json_api"
  log_errors? true

  • :router (atom/0) - The router that you created for this Api. Use by test helpers to send requests

  • :prefix (String.t/0) - The route prefix at which you are serving the JSON:API

  • :serve_schema? (boolean/0) - Whether or not create a /schema route that serves the JSON schema of your API The default value is false.

  • :authorize? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to perform authorization for this API The default value is true.

  • :log_errors? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to log any errors produced The default value is true.